Quantitative Research


Research Purpose Statement:
How to institute a safety culture by emphasizing the company’s operational and logistic issues with a minimum
safety protocol?
*Locate a peer-reviewed journal article that presents quantitative research results that you will use as a source
in your literature review. On one page,
1.) Summarize the research, including how the data was gathered (typically a compilation of multiple
interviews, focus groups, surveys asking open-ended questions), and what conclusions emerged from the
2.) Discuss 2 insights you gained into analyzing quantitative research.
3.) Include two direct or indirect quotations from the article and a reference that adhere to APA standards.

Sample Solution

iding them. Health insurance is also publicly provided and financed by local governments, therefore local governments play a major role in keeping the HDI value of China high by keeping facilities available to members of the local communities and their families. In addition, the Chinese deputy director general of basic education, Wang Dinghua stated: “We need to shift from a nation with large human resources to a nation with strong human resources.” To achieve that, China is doing more than just talking. It is working to implement a plan that it hopes will significantly improve its education. At the moment, China has an incredibly high internal immigration rate. It is seeing a mass migration of more than 300 million people leaving their homes in rural China to go to the country’s cities. Consequently, a large amount of government money goes to expanding urban centres and updating infrastructure to accommodate the booming population, therefore however, causing worry that there will be little to no space left for incoming students throughout china. Nonetheless, China still has an adult (15+) literacy rate of 96.4%, proving its education services well.

Australia’s HDI value for 2017 is 0.939, which, similar to China, put the country in the very high human development category, positioning it at 3 out of 189 countries and territories. Between 1990 and 2017, Australia’s HDI value increased from 0.866 to 0.939, an increase of 8.4%. Between 1990 and 2017, Australia’s life expectancy at birth increased by 6.2 years, mean years of schooling increased by 1.2 years and expected years of schooling increased by 5.5 years. Australia’s GNI per capita increased by about 56.7% between 1990 and 2017. Australia’s three levels of government are collectively responsible for providing universal health care: federal; state and territory; and local. The federal government mainly provides funding and indirect support to the states and health professions, subsidizing primary care providers through the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and providing funds for state services. It has only a limited role in direct service delivery, as proven in the stimulus, Australia keeps a steady increase in funds towards national health-care provided by the federal government. State Governments have the majority of responsibility for public hospitals, ambulance services, public dental care, community health services, and mental health care. They contribute their own funding in addition to that provided by federal government. Finally, Local governments play a role in the delive

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