My goal to identify specific character traits related to the occupation that may contribute to the underrepresentation of women in law enforcement is particularly relevant, given the slow growth of female officers in this field. However, my plan to use previous studies on police personality and current issues affecting law enforcement
Chapter 3 provides you multiple examples of types of quantitative designs for studies. Based on your work thus far which of these studies do you believe applies best to your study? If your study does not lend itself to a quantitative study then read ahead to Chapter 5 and see if you can land on a qualitative design that would work. Both of these categories of studies are appropriate. The key is to chose based on what method is best to explore your topic.
Quantitative Research Designs
In this chapter, we share with you an important component of the dissertation process—determining the type of inquiry and research design you will use for your study. This actually will not be a specific chapter in your dissertation, but is all important in developing your proposal and carrying out your research. The inquiry techniques and/or methods presented in this chapter all have their beginnings in basic human observation and curiosity. We are describing science in the broadest sense of the word—a way of reflecting on our world. Just as children experience science via attitudes, processes, and products, we do also as adult researchers.
Your attitude as a researcher is critical. First, you must think of yourself as a researcher and writer, and not just as a graduate or doctoral student. Your attitude will carry you far as a budding scientist. It will encourage you further in your own curiosity of your topic and of others’ topics; it will provide you with perseverance for the task of conducting the research; it will pick you up when you fail and help you learn from your mistakes; and it will aid your open-mindedness and assist you in cooperation with others. Furthermore, a positive attitude toward the research will provide you with a desire to seek reliable and valid sources of information; a desire to provide and to tolerate alternative viewpoints; an avoidance of overgeneralizations; a restraint to make a judgment until all evidence is examined or evaluated, or to make claims without having proof or descriptors; and an open mind toward questions related to your own research.
Processes of research will aid you in working through your study in a critical and creative way. In the simplest terms, processes may include observing, classifying, contrasting, communicating, measuring, estimating, predicting, and inferring. You also will use the processes of identifying and controlling variables, operationalizing definitions, hypothesizing, questioning, experimenting, investigating, interpreting data, or forming theories or models.
The product of your research, your dissertation, provides your chosen field with a greater knowledge base; therefore, because knowledge is considered power, you also carry with you during your research much responsibility as you plan your study, choose your method of inquiry, and conduct your research. You have an ethical obligation to do the very best research that can be produced. You ask: even at the dissertation stage? The answer is yes, at the dissertation stage of your research career. Though you may be questioned on your study, you also know that much of science changes over time and that knowledge is challenged as it is produced. Remember this about your research, as Slavin (1992) said, “the best research design is one that will add to knowledge, no matter what the results are” (p. 3). Your research product, whether you find a small or large effect size along with significance, may be interpreted or used differently by different audiences, depending on their circumstances and experiences.
Your dissertation, as a product, may take the form of a hierarchy, such as basic factual or uniconceptual research, principles of research that relate to multiple concepts, or theories, the highest level of research. This hierarchy can be observed in Figure 3.1. The closer the products of the research are to the top point of the pyramid, the more complex the study. In the development of theory, we note that the complexity may involve dual methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative.
A couple of important questions should be considered as you determine your method of inquiry. First, you must ask yourself: what is my intent or purpose of the research? Second: what are my research questions? These initial components will drive the method you select. You may determine that a quantitative analysis will suffice in answering your research question or will respond to your purpose. On the other hand, you may conclude that it is qualitative, the deeper understanding of the topic, that responds to your purpose, or ultimately, you may decide that a mixed methods approach, using both quantitative and qualitative analyses, is the best method of inquiry for your dissertation.
Clark is also rewriting history for the ‘casualities of history’ she is rescuing women who were previously a recognised subaltern part of the patriarchal society during the industrial revolution. She is re-visioning the narrative in The Making with the intention of privileging gender, not to replace the history of manhood with the history of working-class women, but to ‘infuse gender’. Women are marginalised in Thompson’s narrative and presented as a masculine version of working-class history. He delineates that his monograph is a ‘biography of the English working-class from its adolescence until is early manhood’, within the first few pages the tone of a universal male working-class identity has been set. Notwithstanding, Thompson acknowledged that domestic servants made up ‘the largest single group of working people’ in 1830, but despite this he neglected to analyse their position in the class struggle, only mentioning that the trade unionists perceived them to be so entrenched within upper class subservience that their experience did not resonate with the working-class. Overall the structure of Thompson’s narrative seeks to place emphasis on the role of men. Paradoxically, Thompson’s concept that class was a relationship, rather than a thing, is better tailored to fit the domestic service, more so compared to any other profession, as it is an example of the most intimate relation of class. In this sense, The Making provides inspiration for the socialist feminist discourse. Thompson working within a Marxist framework, to create a ‘conscious class,’ means he overlooks certain relationships that do not fit.
Even conventional Marxists such as Hobswbawm began to include the gender dimension Marx had omitted from his theory. Hobsbawm articulated his ‘‘embarrassed astonishment’’ that the survey of the state of social history he carried out in 1971 did not ‘‘reference … women’s history’’. Hobsbawm is perceived to be a conservative in his beliefs, rarely straying from orthodoxy. Yet his deviation and willingness to incorporate gender demonstrates how other historians can also adapt and intersect their ideas with aspects such as gender or even race, as history progresses.
Captain Swing, woven together by historians of different approaches: Hobsbawm, more intertwined in the deep-rooted Marxist interpretation of economic and social history, Rudé, was interested in the revolutionary crowd in terms of agency. Their book is an example of how despite differing ideas, it is possible