Race as a biological trait

Which position you are taking. Do you believe race is a biological trait, or that race is socially constructed?
On what do you base your argument? Include examples.

Sample Solution

  • which has the purpose or effect of violating a pupil’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the pupil
  • Less favourable treatment of a pupil because they submit to or reject sexual harassment or harassment related to sex.
  • Harassment occurs if someone engages in unwanted behaviour that is related to a child’s disability and which violates the child’s dignity. It is not necessary for the child to say that they object to the behaviour for it to be unwanted. It also includes situations where the student is associated with someone who has a disability or is wrongly perceived as having a disability’. Hills (2012 p26)

For students with SEN the EA also makes provision for treating pupils more favourably.

The EA (2010) clearly insists that a school must take action to enable or encourage a student with a disability to overcome a disadvantage. Schools must take effective action to help disabled students including SEN to meet their needs. Schools must also identify areas where activity by disabled students is disproportionately low compared to non-disabled students and take action to encourage them to participate in this activity.

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