Reaction to the book”evicted

The reaction to the book "evicted" by Matthew desmond.
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and answer the question of why do landlords in Milwaukee have such power to evict the tenant?

1. Why did you choose this book?
2. What is your evaluation of this book?

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locate and was brimming with brutality. God perceived how degenerate the earth had become, for every one of the individuals on earth had debased their ways. So God said to Noah, "I am going to put a conclusion to all individuals, for the earth is loaded up with brutality as a result of them. I am without a doubt going to obliterate both them and the earth (Genesis 6:11-13). God saw all the evilness on the planet that was going on after the fall and he needed to clean the earth off of everybody living on it.

What was intriguing about God's activities here is that he disclosed to Noah that he was to manufacture an ark and him and his family would endure the flood that was going to happen upon the world. Toward the finish of Genesis part 6, God discloses what Noah needs to do so as to be spared from the flood, "Yet I will set up my agreement with you, and you will enter the ark—you and your children and your better half and your children's spouses with you. You are to bring into the ark two of every single living animal, male and female, to keep them buzzing with you. Two of each sort of winged creature, of each sort of creature and of each sort of animal that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. You are to take each sort of nourishment that will be destroyed and store it as nourishment for you and for them. Noah did everything similarly as God told him (Genesis 6:18-22). The association here is that Noah pursued the entirety of God's directions and did precisely what he should do which God remunerated him by saving his life and making him the guide to restart humankind when he cleaned everybody away.

Proceeding onward from the Pentateuch, from the Historical book segment of the Old Testament, I am going to concentrate on the book of Judges. There are numerous references that show the connection among God and people anyway I am going to concentrate on one of them. This model originates from Judges part 13 and all through the initial 13 sections of Judges, the Israelites continued accomplishing things that were underhanded according to the Lord and continued ignoring God's directions. As indicated by Judges 13, it states, "Again the Israelites did insidious according to the Lord, so the Lord conveyed them under the control of the Philistines for a long time" (Judges 13:1). This connection among God and people was not exceptionally solid in view of the Israelites resisting God; consequently God rebuffed his kin for this. Keeping a decent association with God and obeying what he says, makes a more grounded association with God, yet in addition makes a confiding in a

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