Reading response Lakatos



Lakatos, like Aristotle, Bacon, Descartes, Popper, and many others before him, attempts to answer the questions: What is the scientific method? And what about the scientific method ensures that science is rationally legitimate, or accounts for the supremely rational character of scientific theories? More impressively, he attempts to do so in full awareness of the challenges Kuhn poses to the standard picture of scientific rationality. But has Lakatos really achieved his aims? In your response, place yourself in the position of a practicing scientist who confronts some anomalous data, and answer the following questions: (1) Does Lakatos’s proposed methodology provide any practical guidance to you in how to proceed? (2) If yes, then what guidance does it provide? If no, then why does his methodology fail to provide you with any practical guidance?



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Being an Associate

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Current Address (Name) Permanent Address

September 15, 2011

Human Resource Manager

McKelsey and Company Re: Associate Position

Dear {Name},

Regarding your site, the Associate position promoted in that requests a dedicated, centered, and decided person who can perform administrative capacities. I accept that with my capabilities and experience, I am the most reasonable contender for this position.

From my past work understanding, I procured great critical thinking and administration aptitudes. While working at BRC, I stepped up to the plate and devise and actualize an exhaustive professional administrations program that would coordinate seminars on clinical and authoritative jobs. The program empowered learners to accomplish achievements in their professional aptitudes and was an extraordinary achievement.

At the Texas Medical Center, I founded changes in authoritative structure and concocted a correspondence plan that would help intellectually sick people in discovering work. After a year, these activities expanded their enlistment in instruction and preparing programs.

During my residency at FedCap, my obligations spun around working with staff in empowering them to assess their gifts and character, and match them with different occupations. Moreover, I connected with character analysts in normal counsels and included them in the assessment of my customers. They executed individual evaluations of my customers utilizing the plans I had contrived for every one of them.

I have a doctorate in Applied Organizational Psychology, which I accept has furnished me with the establishing important to execute the job of an Associate. I finished my PhD inside three years with a 3.93 GPA while working all day. I finished my lord’s program while working all day, and earned the differentiation of Magna cum laude.

My key contacts, Abby Donson and Terry Foelke from the Austin territorial office, gave me the inspiration to seek after this position.

My phone and email contacts are (000) 000-0000 and [email protected].

Much obliged to you ahead of time, as I anticipate your sort and ideal thought.

My Best Regards,



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