Real-world example involving combinatorial coverage with limits due to “infeasibility”


Can you think of a real-world example involving combinatorial coverage with limits due to “infeasibility”?


Sample Solution

Certainly! Here’s a real-world example involving combinatorial coverage with limits due to “infeasibility”:

Delivering Packages with Drones:

Imagine a drone delivery company wants to ensure same-day delivery within a specific city. Here’s how combinatorial coverage with limitations comes into play:

  • Packages: Each package represents an element needing coverage (delivery).
  • Drones: Drones act as the “sets” that can cover specific areas.
  • Coverage: The goal is to find a combination of drone flights that covers all delivery locations (packages) within the time constraint (same-day delivery).

Challenges and Infeasibility:

  • Battery Life: Drones have limited battery life, restricting the area they can cover in a single flight. This translates to a limit on the number of packages a single drone can deliver.
  • Air Traffic Regulations: Regulations might restrict the number of drones allowed in the airspace at once or limit their flight paths. This creates limitations on the number of drones that can be deployed simultaneously.
  • Weather Conditions: Adverse weather conditions like strong winds or rain might render drone delivery infeasible for certain areas. This dynamically changes the coverage capabilities of drones.

Finding the Optimal Solution:

The company needs to develop an algorithm that considers these limitations. It must identify the most efficient combination of drone flights (sets) that achieves same-day delivery for all packages (elements) within the limitations of battery life, air traffic regulations, and weather conditions.


In some situations, achieving 100% coverage with same-day delivery might be infeasible due to limitations. The algorithm might need to prioritize urgent deliveries or reschedule certain deliveries for the next day, considering factors like package importance and weather forecasts.


This example showcases how combinatorial coverage comes into play in real-world scenarios with limitations. The challenge lies in finding the optimal solution that maximizes coverage within the constraints imposed by feasibility factors.


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