First, explain the reasons why a “global village” may be referred to as an oxymoron. Why is it important to
possess verbal and nonverbal cultural indicators in our globalized world? Then, describe a personal experience
of intercultural interactions where you either successfully or unsuccessfully exercised verbal and nonverbal
cultural skills. Using your knowledge of the cultural domains (religion, ethnicity/nationalism, modernization, and
geography), in your assessment, analyze the situation within the context of the factors influencing globalization.
Be sure to support your statements with evidence.
Reasons why a “global village” may be referred to as an oxymoron
Media mogul Marshall McLuhan foresaw the “global village.” He coined the oxymoron “the global village” and predicted the impact of the Internet on society. McLuhan predicted how we now interact with technology and, even more accurately, how media and the Internet have seeped into the everyday facets of our lives. It is important to possess verbal and nonverbal cultural indicators in our globalized world. Nonverbal communication play many important roles in intercultural situations. As messages delivered within the verbal channel convey the literal and content meaning of words, the nonverbal channel is relied upon to carry the undercurrent of identity ties and relational meaning.
Reactions to Poems The reaction to verse is notable, and verse can animate a solid response from perusers. It would be ideal if you check your responses to these sonnets. How would they cause you to feel, and why. Examine the connection between the different methods utilized by the writer and your own response. It would be ideal if you utilize nitty gritty verse reference to back up your remarks. Answer: # 1 perusers are feeling uncertain; (d is no longer in Hiroshima) d and your artist discusses the relics of assaults and individuals talk about structures and inaccessible governments and high rises just as casualties of these assaults The rule of flight (the day after tomorrow) and the peruser advising us that it is, I don’t have the foggiest idea who is correct or who isn’t right. (Note: After sharing this form as a blog entry, others are composing verse accordingly.The two sonnets in the end showed up in my remark, yet different stanzas are Google Plus and Twitter Although they are completely assembled, it appears to be ideal to leave the idea of reverb to your gear, spread the sonnet in the breeze. This reminds me: Why do I decipher the substance I read on my blog entries into verse again and again? (Note: I definitely realize that I take a line of text from a blog entry and convert it to a sonnet as a remark. I was charged for a wrongdoing, I was seen as liable and turned into a “line break.” As a remark The difference in verse brings up the intensity of verse to increase further things in the realm of immersion by words The composition remark on blog is the acknowledgment of “I am here”. There is just up until this point, yet the sonnet resembles “Your words have profoundly affected me and animated it.” It would be ideal if you leave an answer (remark) to the post of your sonnet including your commitment of one line. (It is anything but a segment on a solitary line.) Please don’t send your line as a draft to the writing board or as a response to another remark on the post. Our manager adds each line to the content of the sonnet of the first presenting and qualities it on your commitment. As her own, Tamyka Bell introduced a test to this gathering: Someone thought of a line that totally trapped in every one of the three stanzas, giving a cross connection between them. This isn’t required, so you can set various occasions on a similar line with the goal that you don’t utilize a similar sonnet multiple times.