Research methods

There are several aims of this assignment: first to get you familiar with using a database that you may use in your discipline. Second, to give you an introductory framework to asking critical questions of the research (both academic and non) you read. Third, to give you a set of questions that will help you discern the important information in the article and hopefully read more effectively. This chart from the University of Nottingham may help you think critically about your article:—learnhigher.pdf
It is to be 7 to 10 pages in length, double spaced…. If you are using APA format please note that your title page is not page one, page one is your first full page of text. I have no preference as to citation styles just make sure you use one that includes all the relevant information. No, you do not have to include the article when you submit the assignment.
Pro tip: don’t block quote your answers – summarizing and conducting a critical analysis will demonstrate your own understanding of the material.
Develop a topic of interest (this can be related to your field of study but not required) – do not use articles that have been assigned in courses. The point is to go through the database searching process.
Locate a social sciences journal – the article you choose needs to be peer reviewed. Please make sure that the article presents research results and is not a review of literature (in this course we are going to examine several different types of methods and you should be able to work with them – see course outline). Also, I would prefer that the authors conduct their own research rather than rely on secondary data (this is most common when looking at quantitative work – relying on survey data collected through organizations such as Statistics Canada or other national/organizational equivalents.)
Questions to address:
Identify the general problem being studied – what is the author’s research question?
What is the theoretical orientation that informs the research – how do you know?
What are the major concepts discussed in the literature review? What are they and how are they defined?
What type of research methods were used in the article? What was the process? (eg. who (sample), where, when, how…)
What are the results/findings?
How are the results used to answer the original research question(s)?
Were there any ethical issues? How were they addressed? If the authors claim that there are no ethical issues what might they have needed to account for?
What are the general strengths/weaknesses of the article? Describe.
What is/are the methodological strengths and weaknesses of the article? Describe.
Do you have any other questions about the research, the process, the concepts, that you feel need further explanation?
Please make sure that you use citations throughout the assignment even though you are using a single article. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism.

Sample Solution

The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) defines conventional oil as “a category that includes crude oil – and natural gas and its condensates.”

Figure 1. A cartoon demonstration of oil and gas reservoir geology and trap environment. The bright orange-coloured layer is the source rock, the yellow dotted layers are reservoir rocks (typically sandstones and limestones with high porosity and permeability level), and the peach-coloured layers are caprock with low porosity and permeability so that oil and gas cannot escape. The cartoon shows two different trapping environments: fault on the bottom left and antiform at the top.


When the world thought that we had hit the peak of oil and gas production in the 2000s and that we had to focus on developing alternative renewable energies, newly developed technology to extract unconventional reservoirs made the production of shale gas in the US jumped from 1% in 2000 to over 20% by 2010. ( This rapid growth, predicted to by the US government’s Energy Information Administration, is going to continue that 46% of the US’ natural gas supply will be provided by shale gas. There is no doubt that the unconventional oil and gas exploration will continue to grow globally with the growing technology.

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