Research Methods Used Frequently In Nursing Can Be Classified In Different Ways.


Research methods used frequently in nursing can be classified in different ways. Discuss the classification of research methodologies used in nursing research.

Sample Solution

Classifying the Maze: Research Methodologies in Nursing Research

Nursing research plays a vital role in advancing evidence-based practice and improving patient care. To navigate the various approaches used to investigate clinical questions, researchers rely on different classifications of research methodologies. Here, we’ll explore two key ways to categorize these methods:

  1. By Approach: Quantitative vs. Qualitative
  • Quantitative Research: This approach emphasizes objectivity and measurement. It aims to quantify phenomena, often using structured methods like:
    • Surveys and questionnaires: Collect data from a large number of participants through standardized questions.
    • Experiments: Investigate cause-and-effect relationships by manipulating variables in a controlled setting.
    • Observational studies: Observe and record data without manipulating variables. This can be longitudinal (observing changes over time) or cross-sectional (observing a population at a specific point in time).
  • Qualitative Research: This approach focuses on understanding subjective experiences and meanings. It employs methods like:
    • Phenomenology: Explores the lived experience of a phenomenon from the participants’ perspectives.
    • Grounded Theory: Develops theories based on data systematically collected from participants.
    • Ethnography: Studies a culture or group by immersing the researcher in the setting over a prolonged period.
  1. By Purpose: Descriptive, Exploratory, Explanatory, or Evaluative
  • Descriptive Research: Describes the characteristics of a population or phenomenon. This can involve surveys, case studies, or content analysis of documents.
  • Exploratory Research: Explores a new phenomenon or issue to gain deeper understanding. This often uses qualitative methods like interviews or focus groups.
  • Explanatory Research: Explains the relationships between variables to understand why or how something occurs. This often utilizes quantitative methods like experiments or quasi-experiments.
  • Evaluative Research: Assesses the effectiveness of an intervention or program. This can involve randomized controlled trials or pre-post studies.

Choosing the Right Method

The selection of a research methodology depends on the research question and the type of data needed.

  • Quantitative methods are well-suited for testing hypotheses, measuring outcomes, and establishing cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Qualitative methods are ideal for exploring experiences, meanings, and uncovering new insights into complex phenomena.


  • Mixed Methods Research: Combines quantitative and qualitative approaches within a single study to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a research question.

In Conclusion

Understanding the different classifications of research methodologies empowers nurses to critically evaluate research findings and apply them to improve patient care. By recognizing the strengths and limitations of each approach, nurses can effectively utilize research to guide evidence-based practice and contribute to the ongoing advancement of the nursing profession.


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