Changing Habits


Discuss the process of breaking an old habit/starting a new habit.

Explain why we do what we do in life and business Charles Duhigg.

Sample Answer

Breaking old habits can prove to herculean task in most instances. However, through concerted efforts and sustained perseverance. There are some guidelines on how to break old habit and it can take the following form: the first thing is to decide on a substitute for the bad habit intended for replacement, detach yourself from the

ry, but also as unit, relay or signified. Semiology is perhaps doomed to be assimilated into a trans-linguistics, the materials of which may be myth, narrative, journalism, or on the other hand objects of modernization, in so far as they are spoken. On this note, the Roland Barthes (1964) came up with distinctive and widely acceptable elements of Semiology. They are;
 Language and speech
 Signified and signifier
 Syntagm and systems
 Denotation and connotation
Language and Speech
Barthes (1964) enforced the concepts of language, or the part of the Semiological system which is consented upon by society, and speech, or the individual choice of symbols, to Semiological systems. The application of these concepts can be supplied to the Semiological study of the food system. According to Barthes (1964), someone is free to create his/her own menu, using personal choices in food mixtures, and this will become their speech or message. This is done with the overall national and social structures of the language of food mind. Barthes (1964) then spread on Saussure’s terms, by explaining that language is not really socially determined by the masses, but is sometimes decided by a certain minute group of persons, somewhat changing the correlation of language and speech. Barthes (1964) exact that a Semiological system can importantly exist in which there is language, but little or no speech. In this case, Barthes (1964) was of the believe that a third element called matter, which would provide signification would need to be added to the language/speech system.
Signifier and Signified
The signified was a representation of a concept, while the signifier was used to represent the sound-image of that concept. Barthes (1964) points out that the importance of both the signified and the signifier is the correlation that exists between them; it is within this relationship that sense is arrived at. “… that the words in the field derive their meaning only from their opposition to another (usually in pairs), and that if these oppositions are preserved, the meaning is unambiguous” (Barthes, 1964, p. 38). Out of the correlation, the sign is created. Saussure (1959) indicated the sign to be arbitrary in nature, initially based on the relationship between the signified and signifier. Barthes (1964) explained that the sign cannot be arbitrary forever when Semiological systems are conceived. Instead, Barthes shows that once sign assumes a role or use, it will earn its meaning along the line. The sign can definitely misplace its capricious in nature and become actuated (Barthes, 1964).

Syntagm and System
Barthes (1964) defines the Syntagm as an elongated mixture of signs. Within semantic analyses, this would be something like a sentence, where each is interwined to the other terms within the phrase. The Syntagm is likened to the system, which means other words within the mind, as in the case of the relations between “learning” and “internship” (Barthes, 1964, p. 58). Barthes goes further upon these minds by connecting them Semiologically to different systems, e.g. food. In food system, the systematic level becomes the various bags within a particular level (i.e. types of desserts), whereas the syntagmatic level becomes the menu choices selected for a full meal (Barthes, 1964).

Sample Solution

Have you ever considered your habits or the impact they have on your daily life? Have you ever had to adjust your routines due to a new environment, such as online learning or living on campus? Habits form when new behaviors become routine and are carried out with minimal cognitive awareness, according to specialists at Psychology Today. “The behavioral patterns we repeat most often are essentially engraved into our cerebral circuits,” says the study. Take a moment to consider that final quote. Consider your automatic habits now. How often do you check your phone to read text messages, browse Facebook, or check your Instagram account, for instance? Have you ever actively considered,

My Earliest Memory

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First recollections of oneself can be effortlessly mistaken for manufactured recollections made by seeing old pictures, films, and hearing stories identified with one’s very own history. This is the situation for me: I have seen such a significant number of home films, heard such huge numbers of tales about myself, and seen such a significant number of pictures about my youth, I don’t know for certain what my first memory is in reality. Since I can’t pinpoint my first memory precisely, I will unfurl a progression of recollections that were the most punctual in my adolescence.

trees in windI recollect around evening time glancing through the huge glass windows of our front room at the tremendous pine trees and douglas fir trees, which brushed against our white fence. The trees would influence once in a while fiercely in the breeze, as it was basic in Seattle around evening time. I would watch the trees move, accepting to see many alarming and unusual shapes framing in obscurity, as though the trees were alive in a cognizant manner. The trees would move into the kinds of beasts my creative mind conjured up. I would inform my mom concerning the shapes and structures, yet as a typical mother would do, she attempted to quiet me down rather than cooperate with my ghostly obsession.

Another sharp early memory of mine was the point at which I analyzed my body. I was interested, as most kids may be, about the surface and type of the body we are given during childbirth. Since the beginning, I had four activities: two open heart medical procedures, and two hernia medical procedures. I would feel my scars, which scale up my chest and travel close to my crotch as though they were scenes, consumed into my skin until age would blur them away. Other than scars, I would savor over the littlest of points of interest about my eyes, which have hazel lines dashing away from the understudies. I would look at my life state through my eyes: I could perceive how I was all in all through them. My hands were likewise a state of interest for me: my left hand is altogether littler than my correct hand in light of medical procedures. Looking at them was and still is somewhat of a fixation of mine.

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I figured out how to ride a bike very early, however I don’t recollect the specific age. My dad was an expert cyclist at a certain point, and he needed his child to be sharp in the game too. Be that as it may, I recollect my first endeavor to ride a bike without preparing wheels finishing shockingly and entertainingly. Out on the central avenue alongside our home, where there were basically no vehicles driving around in those days because of less populace, I began OK on a little kid bicycle. My equalization was fine from the beginning, however then I got overexcited and lost my parity, in the long run crushing into our post box. In spite of the fact that my father was worried about my wellbeing from the start, after he saw that nothing genuine had transpired, he chuckled decisively and was making jokes about me. I didn’t feel disheartened—actually, I was snickering along following a couple of moments.

I have a lot progressively dispersed recollections that could consider first recollections, despite the fact that they are blended in with my impressions from watching home films, seeing pictures, and hearing anecdotes about my adolescence. We may not know our first memory for certain, yet once we attempt to uncover it, the world we lived in as a youngster pours through the perspective of visual idea, bringing back the air of this time into the present minute, similar to an incense smoke that delicately twists around our present detects.

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