What risks are associated with Influencer Marketing? What do the authors suggest to minimize those risks?
What comments do you have about the authors’ predictions about the future of Influencer Marketing?
The risks associated with influencer marketing are numerous and ever increasing. This is due to the nature of this kind of advertising – people are innately volatile and using their lives as commercial platforms will inevitably throw up unexpected issues. Since CORQ was developed in 2017, we have been tracking the areas that make influencer marketing a risk for brands. These are five of the potential pitfalls businesses should be wary of when utilising influencers as a route to their target consumer.Influencer scandals and controversies are often surprising and the unveiling of these can come out of nowhere. In the past five years,
several other US agencies that provide assistance to Burma such as the U.S. Department of State, Labor, U.S. Trade and Development Agency.
Since 2012, the United States has been consistently providing funds to support the crisis in Burma. So far, the U.S. has provided over $500 million to support Burma’s transition, advance the peace process, and improve the lives of millions, including by assisting communities affected by violence and combating hate speech and communal violence. More than 1.1 million people have improved food security, and over 300,000 impoverished farming families have increased their agricultural productivity with better access to technology, markets, and new investments. In addition to exponential improvements in the people’s basic human needs, the more developed businesses have improved as well. New entrepreneurs are benefiting from the economic reform process, which has increased access to information and communications technology. The United States also provided almost $300 million in Fiscal year 2017 and 18 to address humanitarian needs in Burma. Especially being cognizant of internally displaced persons throughout the country and vulnerable Burmese refugees and asylum seekers in the region. This includes vulnerable communities along the Thailand-Burma border and in Rakhine, Kachin, and the Shan States, where the
In recognition of Burma’s political and economic reform progress, the United States has taken concrete steps to accelerate broad-based economic growth and support the political reform process. The United States played an instrumental role in supporting renewed engagement from multilateral development banks, which re-started operations in 2013. In 2016, the United States terminated the national emergency with respect to Burma, which had been in place since 1997. The termination removed a range of economic and financial sanctions, including the designations of individuals and entities listed on the Office of Foreign Assets List pursuant to U.S. sanctions on Burma. The U.S. government encourages responsible investment in Burma as part of an overall strategy to encourage economic growth and improve the standard of living for the people of Burma. The United States plays a leading role by enhancing human capacity and promoting global standards throughout Southeast Asia due to the quality of private investment. U.S. companies will continue to play a critical role in supporting broad-based, sustainable development in Burma and are helping the country progress toward a more open, inclusive, and democratic society.
While till date through the efforts of the United States and other notable countries, Myanmar has made significant progress. However, major institutional and political challenges remain to be made, including reforming the constitution (which accords the military control of three key security ministries, one of two vice presidential appointments, and control of 25% of parliamentary seats), completing the national reconciliation process with various ethnic groups, further strengthening respect for and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, particularly on freedom of expression and assembly, releasing remaining political prisoners, and improving the conditions in Rakhine State, especially those facing members of the Rohingya population. Also, Beginning in August 2017, following attacks by Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) insurgents on security forces, over 700,000 Rohingya fled violence in northern Rakhine State, including violence committed by security forces and vigilantes. In November 2017. The