Risks, Strategic Assumptions



In the Risks and Assumptions section, note 4-5 key risks, assumptions behind them and how you have reduced the risks.

Proof that company can succeed (NO TRUST ME or WE HOPE or WE THINK)

Financial Pro-forma (Year 1-5: Annual) Reach at least $1-2 million in annual sales in 3-5 years.
In the financial section, you need to show:
a. List the assumptions you are using
b. Your bottom-up sales assumptions showing your relationship from your investment in your sales driver to sales (and assumptions behind them and how you came up with them – secondary, primary and real research)
c. Profit and Loss statement — for 5 years


Sample Solution

In today’s global business world, small businesses compete right alongside bigger corporations. Due to the internet and myriad tools at the ready, smaller businesses have more than enough resources to successfully compete with their larger competitors.But how do you show a potential customer that your company not only has the same resources and credibility as major competitors, but can give them something extra that they would not receive with larger companies? Below, 10 members of forbes coaches explain how you can prove to your clients that your business has all the bells and whistles of bigger companies, in addition to benefits unique to smaller business models.

The world we know blazes past us every second. Our closest friends may soon leave forever, others may change, our old homes may be torn down to build a parking lot; yet time still marches on. I feel very strong that with guidance from our past and hope for our future we must live each day to its fullest, make each day more valuable than the previous. Life, love, and friendship are the most precious things on this earth, it is very important for each to find his true love and friends, and live his life with them to its fullest potential.

The past is just that, the past. There is nothing you can do about it except learn from it. In the last year I have spent countless hours contemplating what I could have done different to change the events that took place last October. The death of Jen Elliott, my friend, was the hardest thing I have ever experience in my short life. I would have given anything and everything to go back and change those events, and I still would. However, I have learned that there is nothing I can truly do, except learn from her and comfort her family. What I learned from her is that none of us know how long we will be here. We have to live each day like it is our last, because it may be.

The future, will always be the future. We have to set a goal as to what our futures will be and always keep that goal in sight. We mustn’t, though, let this goal take over our life. There will always be a future and a goal until the last minute. We have to take what we can now; be with our friends and family and care for them.

The past and the future are guideposts, beacons. They are not more. You can’t live in the past, you can’t get there. You can’t live in the future, you haven’t reached it yet. You must live in the present, or you haven’t lived at all.

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