Risks to Health Information


1. Read Chapter 8 in Smallwood (2018) (Links to an external site.) and the additional course materials from Module 4 Preparation.
2. Read the following articles:
o A Systematic Review of the Availability and Efficacy of Countermeasures to Internal Threats in Healthcare Critical Infrastructure (Links to an external site.)
o Cybersecurity in healthcare: A narrative review of trends, threats and ways forward (Links to an external site.)
o Security model for Big Healthcare Data Lifecycle
3. Research a recent security breach of a healthcare organization of your choice that has occurred within the last 3 years. Do not use an article provided by a
product vendor.
4. Answer the following questions as it relates to a recent security breach in the healthcare organization you selected. State the name and location of the
selected facility as well.
o Discuss the type of security breach that your research uncovered. Provide the reference and link to the article, video, or other source.
o Discuss 3 strategies that the organization could potentially employ to mitigate similar breaches in the future.
**** Include all citations and your reference list in proper APA format. Be sure to include references properly cited using APA. Apply appropriate APA
headings and subheadings for each question
**** This is question and answer discussion. Please provide (2) scholarly references from sites ending in doi, org, edu. Please include URL’s at end of the
references in the references list.
**** You will likely need my Franklin library username and password to access the required text reading for this module Read Chapter 8 in Smallwood (2018)
(Links to an external site.) as well as the additional articles from #2 above. I will upload my Franklin username and password as always.
***As stated in the red italics questions to answer, please provide the link to the article, video, or other source.
**** Specifics and areas to cover in paper are highlighted in RED ITALICS
** Roughly 100-150 words per answer.
Please look for uploaded word doc titled 4-2 Discussion Action Items.
You can select any healthcare facility to complete this>

Sample Solution

war, they should do it for the right aim and for a worthy motivation, corresponding to the damage done to them. This is upheld by Vittola: ‘not generally legitimate to execute all warriors… we should consider… size of the injury incurred by the foe.’ This is additionally upheld by Frowe approach, which is much more upright than Vittola’s view yet suggests similar plans: ‘can’t be rebuffed essentially for battling.’ This implies one can’t just rebuff another on the grounds that they have been a soldier. They should be treated as sympathetically as could really be expected. In any case, the circumstance is heightened on the off chance that killing them can prompt harmony and security, inside the interests, everything being equal. Generally, jus in bello proposes in wars, mischief must be utilized against soldiers, never against the honest. Yet, eventually, the point is to lay out harmony and security inside the district. As Vittola’s decision: ‘the quest for equity for which he battles and the guard of his country’ is the thing countries ought to be battling for in wars (Begby et al (2006b), Page 332). Subsequently, albeit the present world has created, we can see not entirely different from the innovator accounts on fighting and the traditionists, giving one more segment of the hypothesis of the simply war. By the by, we can in any case presume that there can’t be one authoritative hypothesis of the simply war hypothesis due to its normativity.

Jus post bellum
At long last, jus post bellum proposes that the moves we ought to initiate after a conflict (Frowe (2010), Page 208). First and foremost, Vittola contends after a conflict, it is the obligation of the pioneer to judge how to manage the foe (Begby et al (2006b), Page 332).. Once more, proportionality is stressed. For instance, the Versailles arrangement forced after the First World War is tentatively excessively cruel, as it was not all Germany’s problem for the conflict. This is upheld by Frowe, who communicates two perspectives in jus post bellum: Minimalism and Maximalism, which are very varying perspectives. Minimalists recommend a more tolerant methodology while maximalist, supporting the above model, gives a crueler methodology, rebuffing the foe both monetarily and strategically (Frowe (2010), Page 208). At the last occasion, nonetheless, the point of war is to lay out harmony security, so whatev

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