Rogerian Argument


A Rogerian argument is one that presents two sides of a debate and argues for a solution that will satisfy both
Given two articles presenting opposing sides of an issue (mandatory uniforms in schools), construct your own
2-3 page Rogerian argument essay in which you attempt to arrive at a workable solution or “middle ground.”
? Have you briefly introduced the author and publication context (year, journal, etc.) of Article 1?
? Have you included a summary of the stance presented in Article 1?
? Have you briefly introduced the author and publication context (year, journal, etc.) of Article 2?
? Have you included a summary of the stance presented in Article 2?
? Does your claim address both sides of the issue, including specific points raised in the articles?
? Does your claim present a clear, workable solution that could be viewed as a “middle ground” between the
two sides?
? Have you backed up your claim using facts from both sides of the argument?
? When using direct quotations, have you supplemented them with your own explanation of their relevance?


Specialists legitimately collaborate with the tracks inside their works, including reverberation, reverberation highlights, new rhythms, synthesizers, and many included additional layers. By handling each track and segment of a tune, vaporwave craftsmen are dynamic in utilizing the electronic and advanced world to make their works. The musicality in vaporwave, however not in every case aurally satisfying, is available innately in the piece made. A political point on the devastation of humankind through private enterprise, the vaporwave development has been a totally one of a kind expansion to the music business.

Works Cited

Baghale, Audrin. “Vaporwave: The Genre That Never Was.” The Daily Lobo, 25 Apr. 2017, 16:49.

Chandler, Simon. “Getting away from Reality: the Iconography of Vaporwave.” Bandcamp Daily, 16 Sept. 2016, 11:04.

Chandler, Simon. “Classification As Method: The Vaporwave Family Tree, From Eccojams to Hardvapour.” Bandcamp Daily, 21 Nov. 2016, 11:06.

Chandler, Simon. “Music of the Spectacle: Alienation, Irony and the Politics of Vaporwave.” Bandcamp Daily, 23 Aug. 2016, 11:00.

Galil, Leor. “Vaporwave and the Observer Effect.” Chicago Reader, Chicago Reader, 19 Feb. 2013.

Jones, Charlie. “Remark: Vaporwave and the Pop-Art of the Virtual Plaza.” Dummy Mag, Dummy, 7 Dec. 2012.


Kaylar, Zachariah. “Moment Nostalgia: How Hypnagogic Pop Is Redefining Culture and Why You Should Be Listening to Ducktails.” COTMA, ASU Blaze Radio, 25 Oct. 2013.

Misachi, John. “What Is Electronic Music?” WorldAtlas, 25 Apr. 2017.

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