Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings theory



Describe the theorist and principles of the theory.
Compare and contrast your nursing practice to this theory.
Does your practice align with the principles of this theory in any way, or at any time? Why or why not?

Sample Solution

Here are some of the most prominent nursing theories to get you started:

  • Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory: This theory focuses on manipulating the environment to promote healing.
  • Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory: This theory proposes that nurses should help patients meet their self-care needs.
  • Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory: This theory identifies 14 fundamental human needs that nurses can assist patients with.
  • Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring: This theory emphasizes the importance of the nurse-patient relationship in promoting healing.
  • Myra Levine’s Conservation Model: This theory focuses on conserving a patient’s energy resources.

Once you tell me the specific theory you’re interested in, I can provide a detailed description of the theorist and their principles, and how it might apply to your nursing practice.

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