Roles of the Drug Enforcement Administration


Analyze roles of the Drug Enforcement Administration
Analyze PMHNP responsibilities when issued a DEA number
Analyze DEA number application procedures
Analyze state requirements for safe prescribing and prescription monitoring
Analyze PMHNP responsibilities for safe prescribing and prescription monitoring
Analyze Schedule II-V drug levels
To prepare for this Practicum Journal:

Review the Learning Resources.
In 2-3 pages:

Describe the role of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as it pertains to the PMHNP.
Explain your responsibilities when having a DEA number.
Explain how you apply for a DEA number.
Explain your state’s requirements for a safe prescribing and prescription monitoring program. Explain your responsibility as a PMHNP to follow these requirements.

Sample Solution

Roles of the Drug Enforcement Administration

The drug enforcement administration (DEA) is an agency that is responsible for enforcing laws which prevent the distribution of illegal drugs within the United States. The DEA protect the safety of the public within the United States. They help to make sure that drugs are not misused for an illicit purpose. A DEA number is assigned by the Drug Enforcement Administration to many types of healthcare providers, including physicians, optometrists, dentists, and nurse practitioners. The DEA number allows providers to write prescriptions for controlled substances. It is also a way for the DEA to track provider prescriptions and monitor potential fraud and abuse.

mmary: create a logical summary of the information presented in the source
In this article Weiler describes the theater in which long range precision shooting is used within the aspects of special operation in the military. He covers why some shots would need to be taken and which type of rifle would serve that particular task best. He does not form an opinion of which rifle is “best”, but rather points out the strong points of either platform. He sums up the article with a message of choosing the best tool for the job required, whether it be a bolt gun or an auto.
Credibility: create a logical analysis of the credibility of the source’s author (if no author listed, evaluate the credibility of the publication)
Jon Weiler is a former Army Sniper instructor. He has taught many Military and Law Enforcement Snipers, both foreign and domestic, along with numerous recreational shooters.
Relevance: analyze the relevance of each source to your chosen topic
Weiler covers the history of the use of sniper rifles in the military; how they have evolved from a simple bolt action repeater to complicated firing systems that can send ten bullets down range in under fifteen seconds. I will us his information to explain the simplicity of bolt guns and why they are so reliable.

Reference Citation (APA style required)
Dury, J. L. (2002, August 18). Bolt Action Vs. Semi-Auto: Which Make The Best Used Rifles? Retrieved from
Summary: create a logical summary of the information presented in the source
This news article was written to help hunters decide which type of rifle is best suited for hunting; semi-auto or bolt action. Dury covers all the pros and cons of both shooting platforms. His opinions are not bias and leaves the decision to the buyer of which weapon will best suite his/her needs based what the rifle will be used for.
Credibility: create a logical analysis of the credibility of the source’s author (if no author listed, evaluate the credibility of the publication)
John Dury was the owner of Dury’s Gun Shop in San Antonio, Texas for over forty-five years. He was a gunsmith that built many firearms from the ground up and repaired and customized rifles and handguns alike. His reputation for excellent work is unparalleled in the San Antonio, Texas area.
Relevance: analyze the relevance of each source to your chosen topic
In this article, Dury points out in simple terms how bolt action rifles differ from semi-auto rifles. I will specifically use his explanation of why bolt action rifles have a harder recoil than a semi-auto r

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