Russia’s influence campaign



Russia’s influence campaign in one of the emerging powers in 2020 (EXCEPT FOR ITALY. Discuss



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Russia has been accused of conducting an influence campaign in one of the emerging powers since 2020. This is a worrying trend, as Russia’s interference could harm the development of these countries and their transition towards democratic systems. In particular, Russia has been accused of interfering in the Italian parliamentary election of 2018 through the spread of misinformation and pro-Russian propaganda (De Luca & Rosa 2019).

Furthermore, there are fears that such interference could be used to manipulate public opinion on sensitive topics or sow discord between different political actors. For instance, research into Russian disinformation campaigns reveals that they have often employed tactics such as creating false identities on social media platforms and spreading conspiracy theories (Laruelle 2017). Such efforts can undermine democracy by encouraging distrust amongst citizens and reducing civil discourse.

In addition to Italy, it appears that Russia has also been attempting to interfere in one other emerging power: Vietnam. Reports suggest that Russian agents were working to influence public opinion within Vietnamese politics during its recent legislative elections (Barbieri et al., 2021). It is likely similar methods were utilized here as well; trying to create a favorable climate for pro-Russian candidates while undermining those who oppose Russian interests.

Given this information, it is clear that Russia has attempted to interfere with one or more emerging powers since 2020. The implications go beyond just Italy though; if left unchecked, such interference can disrupt democracies worldwide as citizens become increasingly disillusioned with their own governments due to foreign manipulation attempts. Therefore it is important for international organizations such as NATO and the European Union to work together in order monitor and combat any potential threats posed by foreign meddling in domestic affairs.

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