Safety and Security

Discuss some of the common safety and security concerns in today’s workplace. What are some important laws that may help organizations reduce risk? What are some strategies HR managers can develop to mitigate some of these issues? Use the resources provided to support your ideas.

Sample Solution

n order for a workplace to be a productive and welcoming environment, safety must be a priority. The overall plan and execution of safety measures ensure that the staff or workers will be well-prepared and have peace of mind on a daily basis. The best way to handle any bad situation is to properly evaluate the steps and think about scenarios ahead of time. In order to improve safety in a work environment, the company must analyze the location, availability, and knowledge of the workers in regard to safety equipment, evacuation plans, and emergency medical situations. (Johnson) Holding regular

Google Glass and the Problems It Creates

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Brian HoMany bloggers and columnists form titles like, “The Future is Now.” Considering the sizes of mechanical advancement and the astonishing conceivable outcomes it furnishes individuals with, it is hard to oppose this idea. All through the most recent decade, humankind has made a tremendous jump forward regarding innovation. Alongside other innovative marvels, there is a development that can upset the manner in which individuals associate and convey as significantly as the Internet backed in its establishment days: Google Glass. Be that as it may, its use right now is associated with various noteworthy issues which, at its present phase of advancement, are hard to explain.

The essential issue with Google Glass is that with its assistance, one can undoubtedly abuse the security of others without them presuming it, and making other protection issues for both the wearer and individuals around them. Specifically, on account of Google Glass, there can be no “clear demonstration” that would motion toward someone else that the wearer starts or stops reconnaissance. With Google Glass, you can begin recording data with a wink or a word, while a cell phone you have to grasp it in a perceptible manner. Along these lines, it is simple for a Google Glass wearer to perform unapproved observation. In any case, the wearer themselves is powerless; the later age of Google Glass will have a capacity permitting consistent chronicle, without any delays or interims. This implies Google can record and store data about everything an individual does—by and by, without a proprietor in any event, thinking about this (Epic).

Another issue with Google Glass is threatening vibe towards individuals who (Explorers) would wear it. Considering the previously mentioned issues with security, it is straightforward why others, seeing a Google Glass proprietor, would treat this individual with doubt. With respect to this issue, Google had to give extraordinary rules for “Adventurers,” recommending they ought to consistently request authorization before shooting others or their property, and not use Google Glass in hazardous conditions and unseemly circumstances, similar to a date, snapshots of closeness, etc (E&T). Furthermore, a startling issue with its picture showed up: individuals wearing Google Glass were contrasted with cyborgs.

Moreover, the cost of Google Glass was as fabulous as its idea, and joined with its absence of utilizations, it is clearly not adding to its wide circulation. It is improbable that somebody would need to pay $2,000 for a device that does totally the equivalent (and here and there even not exactly) a customary cell phone, which is less expensive, simpler to utilize, and has a more extensive scope of customization decisions (IFR).

Security issues, doubt towards proprietors, and an uncalled for cost joined with the absence of utilizations have prompted the ruin of Google Glass available. In the event that the organization by one way or another figures out how to comprehend these issues, maybe this innovation would have a more promising time to come, since Google Glass is in reality progressive.


“Google Glass and Privacy.” EPIC. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 June 2015.

“7 Problems with Google Glass.” E&T Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 June 2015.

“Why Google Glass Failed.” IFR. N.p., 12 May 2014. Web. 5 June 2015.

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