


Discuss the following questions.
1) In Hartley’s Chapter 5, Reading 9: “Public Support for Getting Tough on Corporate Crime,” how was the sample that those researchers studied obtained? Who did they study? Do you think this is a representative sample? What did the researchers do to make it more representative? (You may find the article through the Lamar library online journal. The reference is “Unnever, J. D., Benson, M. L., & Cullen, F. T. (2008). Public support for getting tough on corporate crime: Racial and Political divides. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 45(2), 163-190.”)

2) In what condition multistage sampling procedure is appropriate and can be the best method to have a representative sample? Please use Reading 10 (Hartley, p. 143-154) research as an example to explain it. (You may find the article through the Lamar library online journal. The reference is “Wilcox, P., Skubak Tillyer, M., & Fisher, B. (2009). Gendered opportunity? School-based adolescent victimization. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 46, 245-269.”)

3) Why do some researchers have to use snowball sampling? Is this method justifiable under certain circumstances? Please explain as you are trying to teach us.


Sample Solution

Snowball sampling is where research participants recruit other participants for a test or study. It is used where potential participants are hard to find. It’s called snowball sampling because (in theory) once you have the ball rolling, it picks up more “snow” along the way and becomes larger and larger. Snowball sampling is a non-probability sampling method It doesn’t have the probability involved, with say, simple random sampling (where the odds are the same for any particular participant being chosen). Rather, the researchers used their own judgment to choose participants.






Vengeance After the last trial of Win Chun, I gradually entered the vehicle. I didn’t hope to grin myself. I train for a long time when I and my brilliant monsters stop to exist. I never thought of doing this. All the hyper-extended arms and hyper-extended lower leg that I applied to myself merit the stunt. I pulled out the key, thumped the controller, I heard wheezing halted alarm. I opened the boots of Citroen Xsara and tenderly got a trophy in it.

“At the point when you start a retribution venture, first burrow two graves, one for your foes and the other for yourself.” Receiving vengeance through retribution Not just will individuals be pulverized, yet in addition vengers will be fought back for retribution. – The layout of Hamlet’s vengeance has been rehashed again and again and as a perplexing society, we perceive the idea of individuals and retribution on numerous great abstract works. From the beginning of time, the idea of vengeance annihilated the entire network, populace and human progress in general. The issue with men and vengeance is that there is the likelihood that individuals are clashing with one another regarding why he or who is fighting back. The subject of Shake Spear’s ‘Hamlet’ additionally has this thought detailed.

“Vengeance is sweet” and “Ravenge is the best virus dish” are two proclamations regularly used to clarify retribution, yet in English writing the possibility of ??revenge prompts misfortune; the truth of the matter is in Frankenstein, Hamlet It is clear in the tale of Beowulf. In every story, the unique character needs retribution. Retribution is a more grounded feeling than affection, loaded with contempt, outrage, and misfortune. – Beowulf’s vengeance is an epic, and in particular, let the peruser think about the past for quite a while; the most significant worth is the time of fortitude and trustworthiness. The main factor that can give individuals a notoriety for showers is courage and family parentage. The agnostic legend Beowulf’s model shows his craving to gather distinction and riches; the main route is to vindicate others’ passing

Vengeance: Revenge is the center of warrior culture portrayed by Beowulf. Specifically, vengeance is generally done through purported “contempt of blood”. It incorporates warriors who battle their family members, masters or lords who executed them. In verse we can see retribution from numerous points of view. For instance, Grendel’s mom revived his child’s passing by assaulting Heorot, and the monster started to frenzy in reprisal to take his fortune (and Beowulf battled against the winged serpent to fight back) . Subsequently, it is comprehended that vengeance is a significant component of society clarified in this sonnet, and people retribution on the individuals who reprove them.


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