School Improvement in the UAE
To achieve the world-class education systems to which it aspires, the UAE applies a high-quality evaluation system to measure reliably the quality of school performance and to support school improvements and students’ outcomes, through rigorous and regular school inspections.
The UAE School Inspection Framework is based on comprehensive performance standards that define the essential aspects of a quality education.
Each standard is broken down into specific indicators and elements, and detailed descriptors and illustrations guide inspection judgements and school improvement.
School inspections are structured around six performance standards and conclude with an overall performance judgement.
Performance standards
1. Students’ achievement
2. Students’ personal and social development, and their innovation skills
3. Teaching and assessment
4. Curriculum
5. The protection, care, guidance and support of students
6. Leadership and management
The Continuous School Improvement Plan (SIP)
The attached Continuous School Improvement template (SIP) is designed to provide educational leaders with a planning template that addresses all areas covered throughout the Leadership Training Programme learning journey.
This template is designed based on the Continuous School Improvement Framework (Bernhardt 2017) covered in Module 12 which aims at supporting educational leaders create a learning organization that will make a difference for all students, teachers and staff members. In addition, this template incorporates the performance standards of the UAE School Inspection Framework.
You are requested to reflect on your own school context, the topics covered in the 12 leadership training modules as well as the UAE Inspection Framework, and complete the Continuous School Improvement Template by addressing the five questions of the Continuous School Improvement Framework (Bernhardt 2017). Once completed, upload the SIP Template to Canvas.
1. Where are we now?
2. How did we get to where we are?
3. Where do we want to be?
4. How are we going to get to where we want to be?
5. Is what we are doing making a difference?
lity to understand what motivates each individual and implement policies to obtain maximum performance from a group. The importance of the leaders role in motivating individuals is highlighted in Herzberg’s Two Factor theory. The theory highlights factors that must be in place to avoid dissatisfaction, hygiene factors, and factors that promote satisfaction, motivation factors, shown in Figure 4 (Pettinger, 2007). Herzberg’s theory helps to decipher what motivates individuals, but does not advise on how to implement this to produce maximum productivity from an individual, this is achieved by using the theory in conjunction with other motivational theories such as goal setting theory. Figure 4: Hygiene and Motivating Factors (Pettinger,, 2006) Goal setting is not just an important part of motivation, they are essential for both teamwork and successful leadership, they provide indication on what must be achieved, how much effort they must devoted to achieve it and they act as the primary source of job motivation for individuals, therefore setting them accurately is essential (Pettinger 2007). Specific and clear goals are the most effective motivators, and will lead to optimum performance, therefore it becomes essential for a leader to understand what motivates each individual within a group (Pettinger, 2007). Motivation is highly personal, and can differ massively across a group, so the leader must adapt how they motivate to suit each individual, this highlights the need for an organisation to implement policies that allow leaders to be flexible in how they reward individuals. Issues arise when goals are not set well, if the goals are ambiguous, unachievable or too easy then the individual will lose motivation (Pettinger, 2007). Once goals have been set it becomes essential for leaders to regularly assess how individuals are progressing towards them, if well then goals should be made more challenging, if they are struggling then the goals should be made easier. Goals also allow for leader to assess how the team are performing, and how their leadership style is functioning with the group, if goals are not being met the leader must adapt how the team interact together or their leadership style to achieve them.
Conclusions The theories discussed provide a framework for understanding teamwork, leadership and motivation, however often are only applicable to distinct situations so do not translate sufficiently into practice and should be used cautiously. Clear connections and codependency exist between the theories, and ultimately in practice becomes the responsibility of the leader to intertwine them to achieve maximum performance from a group. For organisational behaviour to be successful, leadership must aspire change in group members, ensure teams are functional and individual group members are motivated, and is underpinned by a leaders ability to adapt the theories to the situational factors around them. To do this, and