Scope of practice for the advanced practice nurse.

Choose a state of USA and review the scope of practice for the advanced practice nurse. How does it compare to Florida state?

Sample Solution

An advanced practice registered nurse may order diagnostic tests, order occupational and physical therapy, manager selected medical problems, and coordinate health care as appropriate and necessary. The advanced practice registered nurse evaluates the patient or client for the effectiveness of the care provided.  The Florida Board of Nursing is a regulatory body that ensures individuals are qualified to practice nursing in the State of Florida in several vital ways, that is, licenses, disciplines, educates, monitors, and rehabilitates. Nurses are held to a minimal standard to ensure safe, competent care delivered to all patients in a variety of healthcare settings (, 2018). Per Florida Statute 464.012, an NP can prescribe medications including controlled substance Schedules II-IV. These schedules classify drugs from most to least prone to abuse.

g leader-member relations, if the group are familiar and trusting of the leader policy implementation becomes much simpler. Similarly to leadership, understanding and adapting to the situation is key to a leader being able to implement policies that ensure a group work as a team. Teamwork is a product of good leadership, and is again the responsibility of the leader to ensure the group are working successfully together. Highly functioning teams are essential within organisations to increase productivity and member satisfaction, by utilising the talents of all group members effectively within the constraints of the task, personal relationships and the group goals (Pettinger, 2007).
Figure 2: Tuckman’s Model of Group Development (Agile Scrum Guide, 2019)
Tuckman in his Model of Group Development provides easily identifiable stages that a groups performance can be measured against, making it useful for monitoring performance, Figure 2 shows Tuckman’s model. Ranking group performance against this scale can provide leaders with a clear understanding of how the group are functioning, allowing them to implement policies to change this if performance is unsatisfactory (Pettinger, 2007). Within organisations, the theory can be loosely applied to creating teams by grouping familiar individuals with the aim that they will reach the norming and performing stage of the model quicker. For short and simple tasks this is an extremely effective way of organising groups, due to the increased short term productivity. However there are significant issues with grouping individuals in this manner, particularly when tasks become more complex, and ultimately the model should mainly be use

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