What is comprehension? (use your module resources to develop a thick explanation; include why comprehension development is important to reading)
There two main types of texts, narrative and expository, discuss the following:
Explain each type of text;
State what differentiates them;
Discuss the unique features of narrative texts;
Discuss the unique features of expository texts.
Sensational Six – Comprehension
Comprehension refers to the ability to understand written words. It is different from the ability to recognize words. Without comprehension, students gain no meaning from what they read. Comprehension strategies are used to increase student`s understanding of the text to help them become active readers by engaging with the text. It increases the enjoyment and effectiveness of reading and helps not only academically, but professionally, and in a person`s personal life. A text is a piece of writing that you read or create. The main types of texts include: expository and narrative texts. An expository text is intended to identify and characterize experiences, facts, situations, and actions in either abstract or real elements. A narrative text entertains, instructs or informs readers by telling a story.
ajor exports driver in that period were textiles, garments and footwear. Due to the major state investments a substantial growth was recorded in the heavy industries. But in early 1990, due to the higher competition in the markets, slower growth rate was recorded in the industries. In 1997 Indonesia faced crisis and between 1998 to 2004 Indonesia has elected five presidents and major modifications was recorded in the political structure. Indonesia recovered soon from the crisis. Now Indonesia has lots of jobs in service sector and technological advancements and deregulations has become the reasons for fastest growth occurrence (Aswicahyono, Hill & Narjoko 2011).
Characterstics of Indonesia Workplace: In Indonesian workplace relationship between superiors and employees are of paternal and maternal nature. Employees believe on their managers and superiors so much that they think whatever they do will be good. They are too much satisfied with the working conditions, co-workers, supervisors and superiors. They hesitate to communicate bad news to the superiors, so the communication is very less in the Indonesia workplace (Wulandari, Pia & John 2011). But in the western workplace, relationship and work is kept aside, targets are communicated to the employees. Employers expect that employees should share their problems with them and also come to the employers for further improvements in the business. Communication should be open from both sides. Due to large number of industries in Indonesia, cases of accidents at the workplace also has increased due to the wrong level of the machines, now Indonesian firms and Governments are arranging the machines according to the male and female posture levels. They are doing so for the well-being, health and comfort of the employees (Sutalaksana & Widyanti 2016). Indonesia has ranked fourth in the consumption of the cigarettes and as it has bad effects on the health of the people, So the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control has taken initiatives for the safeguard of the people by banning this in the workplace and public places and in transportation. This is done by passing various laws.(Byron et al. 2013)
Social Stratification: In nineteen centuries, people was divided into various status system on the basis of races in Java. But in twentieth century, due to the economic changes and upgrading of western education the status pattern largely altered. Now discarding racial distinctions, education created the new status system like class of intellectual and non-intellectuals. These new classes challenged the European superior descents and also threatened the nobility status of Indonesian group. People are also stratified on the basis of religion like Islam, Arab Saudi and Kafir (White man). In previous years the people born in the Indonesia tried to hide their nationality but now have higher rank than Indonesian European and Indonesian Chinese. In present, people of European and Dutch nationality are not able to get good jobs and compete in Indonesia because of loss of status but some totok European and Americans are able to get good job if t