Sentencing in adult court.


Dispositional hearings are equivalent to sentencing in adult court. Your text describes several alternatives for
disposition. Discuss the range of dispositions available to judges in the dispositions hearings.
Reviewing your readings this week, what do you believe ultimately influenced the U.S. Supreme Court to rule
against the death penalty for any juvenile under the age eighteen? Describe your opinions prior to reading the
articles and text. Did the information in the readings change your opinion in any way? Why or why not?
Your text describes a number of community-based programs for offender reintegration. Of the programs
discussed in Chapter 9, which do you think is best to reintegrate offenders into the community? What key
elements make the program you have chosen effective?
Your text points out that “[t]he entire juvenile justice system is focused on release” but notes that “the most
favorable time for release [of a juvenile] requires far more knowledge than is presently available”. What factors
do you think a juvenile detention/treatment facility should consider in timing the release of a juvenile? How
should these factors be assessed or measured, and what weight should be given to each? Explain your
This is the text.
Bartollas, C. (2017). Juvenile justice in America (8th Ed.). Retrieved from https://redshelf.comAronson, J. D.
(2007). Brain imaging, culpability and the juvenile death penalty. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 13, 115-
142. (APA PsychNET Document ID: 10.1037/1076-8971.13.2.115).
some extra sources to use
Steinberg, L., & Scott, E. S. (2003). Less guilty by reason of adolescence: Developmental immaturity,
diminished responsibility, and the juvenile death penalty. American Psychologist, 58, 1009-1018. (APA
PsychNET Document ID: 10.1037/0003-066X.58.12.1009).
Webster, D. (2004, September). The making of a sniper; Vanity Fair, Issue 529, p 294





Sample Solution

and locative inefficiencies, but also from bureaucratic and organizational context. In the context of education for all and health, if the Millennium Development Goals are to be achieved, the problems in the service delivery are to be identified and addressed but sustained overtime to reap the dividend. However within this story of disappointments, there are two projects launched by the present Government, one in its previous tenure 15 years back, and the other one more recently, which can be taken as islands of excellence and quoted as success stories. These two projects were the Motorway M-II between Lahore and Islamabad and the Metro Bus Project in Lahore more recently. Thus I would be justified in saying that if one embarks on a journey of finding public value in any government sector services delivery, the most likely destination where this concept can possibly be studied is within these two projects. This study therefore, aims at identifying if any public value has been created through these projects, and if yes, can this value be sustained for a longer period of time or not. Furthermore, this study would also help in finding the answer to one very basic question, that can public value (a concept conceived in modern western societies) can at all be found in developing nations like Pakistan that are already riddled with so many problems.


Public Value. Where has it come from?

At the end of the 19th century Woodrow Wilson set out what was to become the orthodox model for public administration in the 20th century, where administration was separated from politics and the job of the administrators was primarily to find the most efficient and effective way to implement policy. The Wilsonian approach, however, has failed to adapt to increasing affluence and with increasingly volatile and complex systems. Moreover the inability or unwillingness of ‘principal agents’ to give clear, detailed and durable strategies for the public manager to implement has led to the break down of the theory. Waldo however questioned the idea that public managers actually worked to this model at all stating it was nothing more than a useful myth or a ‘noble lie’.

Politicians were not inherently inclined to claim their influence

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