There have been a number of sentencing reform proposals such as elimination of mandatory minimum sentences, the creation of problem-solving courts, and elimination of, (or creation of), sentencing guidelines. The reforms are often designed to minimize or eliminate problems associated with mass incarceration and/or social inequalities. Locate and analyze a peer-reviewed academic journal article addressing sentencing reforms and/or sentencing problems, and provide the following detail:
1. Provide a pdf link to the article with the APA citation.
2. Summarize the article’s primary points. Do not use direct quotes.
3. Correlate the issues raised in the article with topics discussed in this course.
4. Advocate for and against one of the researcher’s positions.
The article examines the causes and consequences of mass incarceration in the United States. It highlights several factors contributing to the problem, including:
The article discusses the negative consequences of mass incarceration, including:
The article is relevant to several course topics, including criminal justice, sociology, and public policy. It highlights the complex interplay between social factors, legal policies, and individual behavior in shaping the criminal justice system. The article also raises important questions about the effectiveness of current sentencing practices and the need for reforms.
I advocate for the elimination of mandatory minimum sentences. These policies have disproportionately affected marginalized communities and contributed to the rise of mass incarceration. By eliminating mandatory minimum sentences, we can reduce the number of people incarcerated for nonviolent offenses and promote a more equitable criminal justice system.
While there may be arguments in favor of mandatory minimum sentences, such as deterring crime or ensuring public safety, the evidence suggests that these policies have not achieved their intended goals. Instead, they have led to a disproportionate number of people incarcerated for relatively minor offenses.
By eliminating mandatory minimum sentences, we can reduce the burden on the criminal justice system, promote rehabilitation, and create a more just and equitable society.