Series Circuit Analogies R

Analogies are often used to clarify new concepts by relating the new concept to well-known concepts. One such analogy for electric circuits is the water-flow analogy.

For your original post, research potential analogies for the series circuit, and select an example to share with the class (or create one of your own!). In your description, identify what characteristics are analogous (or comparable) to the series circuit. Specifically, you should be able to note elements that represent voltage, current, and resistance as they apply to a series circuit.

Sample Solution

An analogy that can be used to explain the concept of a series circuit is the chain of buckets analogy. This example relates various components in electrical circuits with elements in a chain of buckets filled with water to help visualise how current flows through them (Gardner et al., 2020). In this analogy, each bucket represents one component such as a battery or resistor and are connected together like links on a chain. The total resistance in the circuit could be seen as similar to the holes at the bottom of each bucket which control how fast the water can flow from one bucket into another and ultimately affects how much current reaches its end point (Gardner et al., 2020).

In order for water to flow from one bucket to another it needs an external force which would represent voltage – something that pushes it along just like electricity does when running through wires. As for current, this would simply be represented by amount of water flowing between buckets since if there is more pressure, then more will reach its destination due to having less resistance (Gardner et al., 2020). To illustrate this further let’s say we have three buckets joined together in series and must fill up all three before any overflows out – just like an electric circuit where all resistors need power before it can move on. In our example, increasing pressure would cause more water to enter each bucket faster while also having less time spend inside thus leading to higher overall current but lower voltage throughout.

Overall, this analogy provides great insight into understanding what happens within a series circuit by connecting it with familiar objects such as buckets so students can better comprehend concepts related its structure and behavior.

gher share of Black high school students (14%) and Hispanic students (6%) initiated sex before age 13 compared to White students (3%) (Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation, 2014).



The racial study could easily be explained, that sexual health like other things aren’t taught in black communities or schools. With sex being shown all over TV and in everyday music it’s not rare that young adults are having sex, the problem is are these young men and women have safe sex. Safe sex meaning condoms for men and women and birth control. With classes like personal health and safety and sex ed. being taken out of schools those diseases with me stated earlier could be a shock to young men and women. The same study shows that Teens ages 15 to 19 and young adults ages 20 to 24 accounted for the most reported cases of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in 2012. Females are at greater risk than men of acquiring sexually transmitted infections, and the consequences include pelvic inflammatory disease, pregnancy complications, and infertility (Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation, 2014). It also states Over 34,000 young people, ages 13 to 24, were estimated to be living with HIV in the U.S in 2009. This age group accounts for 26% of new HIV infections. Most young people with HIV/AIDS were infected through sexual contact. With programs like free condom and STD testing almost non-existing these number are sure to rise within the year. Sex education classes in high school and college are a must to spread awareness and help decrease these numbers in the youth of America. These young men and women aren’t going to stop having sex, so the only way to prevent these diseases is to get tested, practice safe sex and use birth control. Being cautions of the people you lay down making sure that they as well also get tested. The numbers in the study can and will be decreased if they decided to take the right steps in help the prevention.

The LGBT Community

Let’s talk about Sexual Health in Young Adults pertaining to the LGBT community, which is known to stand for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender.

An estimated 3.5% of young adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and an estimated 0.3% of young adults are transgender. This implies that there are approximately 9 million LGBT Americans, a figure roughly equivalent to the population of New Jersey. Among young adults who identify as LGB, bisexuals comprise a slight majority (1.8% compared to 1.7% who identify as lesbian or gay). Estimates of those who report any lifetime same-sex sexual behavior and any same-sex sexual attraction are substantially higher than estimates of those who identify as LGB. An estimate of 19 million Americans report that they have engaged in same sex sexual behavior and nearly 25.6 million Americans acknowledge at least some same sex sexual attraction.



Statistics show that men who have sex with men have a higher risk of contra

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