Select a current constitutional issue facing the United States and analyze it.
Act like a judge
Tell me what the constitution issue
What are the two sides? ( teachers should have guns in schools. Teachers shouldn’t have guns in schools)
What argument should prevail(what is your take) (Teachers shouldn’t have guns in schools)
identify with the manner by which individuals express their background via web-based networking media.
We should consider how individuals these days are destined to share their joy or deficiency in that department via web-based networking media. Nearly by definition, what is shared online are prompt snapshots of joy, and not articulations of a lifetime. Some basic models address the transient idea of such minutes, e.g., “I’m frightened to be upbeat since I realize it won’t keep going” posted on Tumblr.
An ongoing article on the statement of the quest for bliss on Twitter by Yang and Srinivasan (Yang and Srinivasan, 2016) examines the degree of fulfillment with life by the clients of Twitter over an ongoing two-year time span. The creators break down in excess of 3 Billion tweets and arrange them dependent on the kind of client: fulfilled or disappointed with their life (S class and D class, individually). They refer to an examination by Lee et al (2013), in the properly named Journal of Happiness Studies, in which joy is likened with abstract prosperity (SWB) and is estimated as a blend of three segments: 1) the nearness of positive feelings, 2) the nonattendance of negative feelings, and 3) life fulfillment.
The main point that Aristotle makes is that a cheerful life must be resolved after death — when the entire life can be thought of, not simply the glad minutes. The models that Yang and Srinivasan notice allude both to momentary decisions of bliss and furthermore to life fulfillment: “‘I making the most of my lunch’ and ‘I despise this exhausting film’ reflect positive and negative influence individually while ‘I’ve accomplished all I wish for throughout everyday life’ is about existence fulfillment.” (Yang and Srinivasan, 2016). In their examination, they recognize some intriguing patterns, for example, the way that clients who express disappointment (“D class”) with their life will in general utilize more action words in the current state, increasingly close to home pronouns, particularly first individual solitary structures. Then again, clients who express fulfillment with their life (“S class”) will in general utilize less verb modifiers in their posts.
As one could expect, words identified with death (e.g., “cover”, “box”, “execute”) are measurably bound to show up in the postings by D class clients. On the other hand, words identified with religion (e.g., “special raised area”, “church”) show up more every now and again in posts by S class clients. It is intriguing to see that words in a third classification, cash, for example, “money”, seem significantly more oftentimes in posts by S class clients. Clearly, cash makes probably a few people upbeat, as opposed to Aristotle’s perception that “[t]he life of cash making is one attempted under impulse, and riches is obviously not the great we are looking for; for it is only helpful and for something different.” His conviction that “eudaimonia” is important in confinement is right and bolstered by this examination. Then again, a portion of the parts of joy, for example, “riches” matter just comparable to different things throughout everyday life.
Facebook distributes a Global Happiness Index, depicted in (Cohen 2013). The Global Happiness Index can take a gander at the total posts of Facebook clients and, utilizing methods from computational etymology dependent on the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) database (Tausczik and Pennebaker 2010), find that the most joyful day of the week is Friday, which is 9.7% more joyful than the most exceedingly terrible day, Monday.
The examinations by the University of Iowa and Facebook additionally affirm the statement by Diener and Tay (2015) that the vast majority around the globe are really cheerful. Utilizing the SWB (Subjective Well Being) file, Diener and Tay further speculate that people are really inclined to (mellow) joy. Diener likewise asserts that upbeat individuals have various great results in various zones, for example, more grounded invulnerable frameworks, longer life, higher inventiveness, higher charitableness and inclination to help other people, h