Single Linear Regression



By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following competency and specialized behaviors:
• Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
• Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of technology to inform evidence-based research practice to develop, implement, evaluate, and communicate interventions across the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.
 Devise accurate SPSS datasets.
 Describe and report the statistical method or test outcomes using the appropriate statistical method or test.
o Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of technology to inform program evaluation to develop, implement, evaluate, and communicate interventions across the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.
 Develop appropriate statistical tests and reports that assist in program evaluation.
 Apply critical thinking in verbal and written communication through the use of leadership and technology.

Assignment Scenario
The Kesher Foundation is interested in alternative therapies for veterans. The foundation is providing grants to nonprofits that provide alternative therapeutic interventions to military veterans. Your agency has been providing traditional cognitive therapy but continues to see high levels of stress and anxiety as measured by an internal agency anxiety measurement. The anxiety measurement tool identifies the level of anxiety an individual is experiencing on a scale of 0–10, with 0 being no anxiety and 10 being the highest level of anxiety. The program director has suggested using meditation with the participants to see if it has any impact on the level of anxiety. A trial is conducted with 30 volunteer military veterans. Your agency needs to provide the results of the trial use of these alternative methods to the Kesher Foundation.
Using the Unit 9 Dataset, given in the resources, you will conduct an analysis of regression to determine the extent in which the amount of mediation impacts levels of anxiety with military veterans.
Please also refer to the tutorial provided in this unit’s first study as a reference on how to conduct linear regression.

1. Follow the instructions to complete a simple linear regression described in the course text. Your dependent variable is self-reported anxiety and your independent variable is length of meditation. Include all SPSS outputs with a narrative explanation of key findings.
2. Identify the slope (b) and the intercept (a) and explain how you can use the y = a + bx to predict anxiety levels if you know how frequently the veteran is meditating.
3. Provide a paragraph summary of the results of the analysis of the regression and implications for funding this meditation program.

Sample Solution

recorded with ration D. The green forage yield of Sesbania pure, Sesbania-Sorghum mixture and Sesbania-Millet mixture were 10.85, 15.31 and 15.30 ton/feddan, dry yield were 2.22, 3.32 and 3.34 ton/feddan, and crude protein yield were 403, 451 and 478kg/feddan, respectively.
Keywords: Sesbania, Sorghum, Millet, Rams, Lambs, Digestion coefficients, Rumen, DBG, Feed conversion, yield.


The animals suffer from shortage of feed especially during summer season in Egypt. Most of animal feeding in this period depends on concentrate feed mixtures and agricultural residues. The expensive price of energy sources as grains or protein sources as Soybean meal and Cotton seed meal tend to increase feed cost of animals. The green forage is cheap food for ruminant feeding. The most green forages in summer season in Egypt are grasses as Sorghum, Sudan grass and Millet. Grasses have higher yield than legumes, but they are considered poor in quality due to low protein content and essential amino acids, therefore sowing legumes in mixtures with grasses improves the quality of forage by increasing protein content and reducing crude fiber content.

Some practical studies were carried out to utilization some mixtures of legumes and grasses in ruminant feeding in summer season such as cowpea with sorghum (Gabra et al.1991), cowpea with millet (Fathia et al, 2008 and Abd El-Hamid et al.2008), Sesbania with Teosinte (Soliman et al.1997 and Soliman and Haggag, 2002), and sesbania with sudan grass (Fathia et al.2008 and Abd El-Hamid et al.2008). Generally, some studies were carried out for cultivation Sesbania sesban as a new legume crop in clay soils pure or its mixtures with some grasses in Egypt (Soliman etal.1997, Haggag etal.2000, Fathia A.Ibrahim etal.2008 and Abd El-Hamid et al.2008).
The objective of this work is cultivation of Sesbania Sesban pure and its mixtures with sorghum or millet in reclaimed sandy soil and its utilization instead of a part from concentrate feed mixture in feeding of sheep.


This study was carried out at Ismailia Research Station (I

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