Six stages of the process of policy


What are the six stages of the process of policy? Give at least one example showing how nurses can be engaged in each stage of the process


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Six stages of the process of policy

The policy process is normally conceptualized as sequential parts or stages. These are: problem emergence; agenda setting; consideration of policy options; decision-making; implementation; and evaluation (Jordan and Adelle, 2012). According to this `textbook` view of policy, environmental groups must first get a particular problem on the agenda for discussion and, if possible, consideration by policy makers. Policy makers then select the best course of action based on specialist advice, make the policy, then hand it to the administrators for implementation. But in practice, policy issues are interconnected, policy makers fumbles around for solutions in the context of great uncertainty and many internal and external constraints.

earle’s famous “Chinese Room” argument that was discussed in Chapter 2 of How the Mind Works, was one of the most interesting arguments to display claims of artificial intelligence. Basically the claim as that computers can and will at least try to master the act of thinking. The argument was based upon how Searle sees himself in a room alone and is trying to follow and get on board with a computer that is that is responding to Chinese characters. However, Searle knows he is not able to grasp or understand any of it, yet he attempts to manipulate numbers and a variety of symbols in order to trick those outside of the room. His manipulation of such numbers and symbols, produces Chinese characters, which allows him to convince those outside the room that there is someone who can actually speak Chinese inside the room. Searle believes that though the computer appears to understand what is going on, in all reality it actually doesn’t understand it. It can be concluded that purpose of this argument was the refute the point that a computer can function on its own. Searle believes that if a man cannot understand Chinese even when he was manipulating numbers and symbols, then neither can computers. A computer is no human and can never be like one.

Pinker’s response to the “Chinese room” argument is reluctant. He says that Searle has stated nothing to do with something that can be scientifically valuable. And that Searle is merely stating about the word “understand”. In fact, it is talked about in abroad way, which isn’t too clear or concise. Pinker says that humans are filled with meat, while computers are filled with information. Humans need the right buttons to be pushed before he/she can accurately process information. Similarly, computers need the right information when processing in search for other information. Both need some sort of push in order to be successful and without that push humans and computers both cannot function and “understand”. Pinker feels that we can be just as unreliable as computers can be.

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