Sleeps and dreams

Write about what you learned about your sleep habits based on your journal and what you read about in the book. If you have problems sleeping did you notice any behaviors that you engage in that may affect your sleep? How might you change those? If you do not have any trouble sleeping did you notice anything in your behaviors that helps you sleep. How important is sleep in your general physical and psychological well being? Why? Use information from your book to support your answer.
Write about your dreams. What did you dream about? Were your dreams affected by anything that happened to you during the day or during your nightly ritual? Why or why not? What about what you ate or the timing of eating, do you think that had an effect? Why or why not?
Based on the different theories proposed about dreaming, try to find meaning in your dreams. Did you find any particular theory fit your dreams better or worse than others? Why or why not? Explain why you used that theory over others.
Include a brief paragraph on your thoughts of dream analysis. Is this a good tool in Psychology? Why or why not?

Sample Answer


1 Samuel 15 shows another way how God identifies with people by expressing, "Samuel stated, "Despite the fact that you were once little in your own eyes, did you not become the leader of the clans of Israel? The Lord blessed you ruler over Israel. What's more, he sent you on a crucial, 'Go and totally crush those devilish individuals, the Amalekites; take up arms against them until you have cleared them out.' Why did you not comply with the Lord? For what reason did you jump on the loot and do detestable according to the Lord?" "Yet I obeyed the Lord," Saul said. "I went on the crucial Lord alloted me. I totally crushed the Amalekites and brought back Agag their ruler (1 Samuel 15:17-20). A touch of setting behind these stanzas is that God had said that Saul would have been lord over Israel after Samuel. God had explicit guidelines of what he had advised Saul to do with the goal that he would be ruler after Samuel. Saul and God didn't have a decent relationship and this made God lament making Saul lord. As should be obvious each relationship since The Fall, this far has been defective here and there in view of the defying of God's Law.

Getting into the Poetic area of the Old Testament, the book of Proverbs as I would see it shows the best case of how God and people relate. Adages part 9 features the positive and negative impacts of an association with God. As per Proverbs 9, "The dread of the Lord is the start of shrewdness, and information on the Holy One is understanding. For through astuteness your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. On the off chance that you are savvy, your insight will remunerate you; in the event that you are a faker, only you will endure (Proverbs 9:10-12). In this axiom God is indicating that you will have shrewdness and comprehension of the Holy One with a positive association with God. We should be astute with our activities we do in reality in light of the fact that our intelligence will remunerate us. God rewards us when we accomplish positive things to profit others than ourselves. Interestingly, in the event that you accomplish things that are narrow minded and not for God, you can apologize and have those wrongdoings you have submitted cleaned from you. What the section on the off chance that "you ar


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