Social, cultural, or global event where a technology plays a significant role



write a 10-page paper that examines a social, cultural, or global event where a technology plays a significant role. In the paper, you will describe your chosen technology and event, construct a thesis statement, perform a critical analysis that makes use of at least one of the general education lenses, and reflect on how your analysis can inform your personal life and experience. You will demonstrate your ability to think critically, investigate, and communicate clearly.


Sample Solution

The Rise of Social Media and the Arab Spring: A Critical Analysis through the Lens of Power


The Arab Spring, a series of pro-democracy uprisings that swept across the Middle East and North Africa in 2010, was a watershed moment in recent history. While the roots of these uprisings lay in long-standing political and economic grievances, the role of social media in mobilizing, informing, and amplifying dissent was undeniable. This paper examines the Arab Spring as a social and cultural event profoundly shaped by the technology of social media. It constructs a thesis statement, analyzes the power dynamics at play through a critical lens, and reflects on the personal implications of this analysis.

Thesis Statement:

The Arab Spring uprisings were significantly amplified and accelerated by the rise of social media platforms, which challenged traditional power structures by facilitating decentralized communication, promoting citizen journalism, and fostering a sense of collective identity among protestors.

Social Media as a Tool for Empowerment:

Social media platforms, particularly Facebook and Twitter, emerged as critical tools for protestors in the Arab Spring. These platforms bypassed traditional state-controlled media, allowing individuals to share firsthand accounts of human rights abuses, police brutality, and the yearning for democracy. This decentralized communication model empowered citizens to become citizen journalists, documenting events and circumventing government censorship. Platforms like Twitter, with its emphasis on brevity and real-time updates, became a space for disseminating information rapidly and sparking outrage across borders.

Critical Analysis: Lens of Power

Michel Foucault’s concept of power is particularly relevant in analyzing the Arab Spring. Foucault argues that power is not a singular entity but a diffuse network of forces that permeate society. Traditionally, governments held a monopoly on information dissemination, allowing them to control the narrative and suppress dissent. Social media disrupted this power dynamic. The ability to share information and organize protests online challenged the state’s control over the public sphere, shifting the balance of power. However, it’s important to acknowledge the limitations of this power shift. While social media facilitated organization and communication, it did not guarantee success. Governments also attempted to utilize these platforms for propaganda and surveillance, highlighting the ongoing struggle for control in the digital age.

Personal Reflection

The Arab Spring serves as a powerful reminder of the democratizing potential of technology. However, this analysis compels me to consider the complexities and potential pitfalls of social media. While empowered communication can ignite positive change, it can also be manipulated to spread misinformation and sow discord. This understanding encourages me to be a more critical consumer of information online, verifying sources, and acknowledging potential biases. Additionally, it highlights the importance of responsible social media use and fostering online communities that promote respectful dialogue and critical thinking.


The Arab Spring demonstrated how social media can act as a catalyst for social change. Examining this event through the lens of power reveals the shift in dynamics between citizens and governments in the face of democratizing technologies. This analysis encourages critical reflection on the power and limitations of social media in shaping our social and political landscapes. As technology continues to evolve, understanding its potential and pitfalls will be crucial for navigating the complex realities of the digital age.

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