Social Justice and Health Disparities caused by COVID 19 pandemic

introduce an audience of novel readers and researchers using their scholarly works pertaining to Equity, Social Justice and Health Disparities caused by COVID 19 pandemic affecting the targeted under resourced ethnic group ( Hispanic/ Mexican Americans ) in the United States.
3. Specifically, your research will cover 4 key areas pertaining to COVID 19 namely:
a) History and content
b) Culture and environment
c) Health Disparities
d) Leadership and skills development
e) Development of strategies and propose solutions to address identified needs of vulnerable populations (Hispanics/ Mexican Americans) in emergencies by involving shared faith, family, cultural institutions, community organizations, healthcare systems and healthcare providers and individuals and the role of government in terms of leadership and skills development.
f) Should involve the following:
a. Goals/Objectives (at least 3)
b. Desired Outcomes (at least 3)
c. Programmatic Elements/Activities (at least 3: Is the relationship between activities and objectives clear?
d. should be evidence-based with supporting references
e. Expected Challenges (at least 3)
f. Implication on nursing practice

Sample Solution


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on Hispanic/Latino communities in the United States. These communities have been more likely to be infected with COVID-19, hospitalized, and die from the disease. There are a number of factors that contribute to these disparities, including socioeconomic factors, access to healthcare, and cultural beliefs.

This paper will explore the equity, social justice, and health disparities caused by COVID-19 in Hispanic/Latino communities in the United States. The paper will focus on four key areas: history and content, culture and environment, health disparities, and leadership and skills development. The paper will also propose solutions to address the identified needs of vulnerable populations in emergencies.

History and Content

The COVID-19 pandemic began in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The virus quickly spread to other countries, including the United States. The first case of COVID-19 in the United States was reported in January 2020. The virus spread rapidly in the United States, and by March 2020, the country was in the midst of a pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Hispanic/Latino communities in the United States. These communities have been more likely to be infected with COVID-19, hospitalized, and die from the disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Hispanic/Latino people make up 18% of the U.S. population, but they account for 32% of COVID-19 cases and 34% of COVID-19 deaths.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the disparities in COVID-19 outcomes among Hispanic/Latino communities. These factors include socioeconomic factors, access to healthcare, and cultural beliefs.

Socioeconomic Factors

Hispanic/Latino communities are more likely to live in poverty than non-Hispanic white communities. Poverty is a major risk factor for COVID-19, as it can make it difficult to access healthcare, nutritious food, and healthy housing.

Access to Healthcare

Hispanic/Latino communities are also more likely to lack access to healthcare than non-Hispanic white communities. This is due to a number of factors, including language barriers, lack of insurance, and long wait times for appointments.

Cultural Beliefs

Some cultural beliefs among Hispanic/Latino communities may also contribute to the disparities in COVID-19 outcomes. For example, some people may believe that COVID-19 is a punishment from God, or that it is not a serious illness. These beliefs can lead to people not taking precautions to protect themselves from the virus.

Health Disparities

The disparities in COVID-19 outcomes among Hispanic/Latino communities are a serious public health problem. These disparities are due to a number of factors, including socioeconomic factors, access to healthcare, and cultural beliefs.

Leadership and Skills Development

There are a number of things that can be done to address the disparities in COVID-19 outcomes among Hispanic/Latino communities. These include:

  • Increasing access to healthcare for Hispanic/Latino communities
  • Addressing the social determinants of health in Hispanic/Latino communities
  • Raising awareness of COVID-19 among Hispanic/Latino communities
  • Changing cultural beliefs that may contribute to the disparities

Development of Strategies and Solutions

There are a number of strategies that can be used to address the identified needs of vulnerable populations in emergencies. These include:

  • Building partnerships with community organizations
  • Developing culturally appropriate messaging
  • Providing translation services
  • Offering financial assistance


The goals of these strategies are to:

  • Increase awareness of COVID-19 among Hispanic/Latino communities
  • Provide accurate information about COVID-19
  • Help people access healthcare
  • Reduce the social and economic impact of COVID-19

Desired Outcomes

The desired outcomes of these strategies are to:

  • Reduce the number of COVID-19 cases among Hispanic/Latino communities
  • Reduce the number of COVID-19 deaths among Hispanic/Latino communities
  • Improve the health of Hispanic/Latino communities

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