Social justice issue and what technology you could use to address it.



describe a social justice issue and what technology you could use to address it.

What are some technological tools you could use to address the issue?
What are some potential barriers to using the chosen technology?
How do you plan to address those potential barriers?
Support your conclusions by citing resources.

Sample Solution

To say 2021-22 has been a year unlike any other would be an understatement. We’ve seen pandemics, social justice movements, natural disasters, celebrity deaths and so much more. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has triggered a historic downturn shut down businesses and left millions unemployed. The Black Lives Matter movement has brought issues such as systematic racism, police brutality, and social inequity to the forefront once again. Issues such as wars, food insecurity, poverty, and climate change are more important than ever. Now, in 2023, the United States is still facing these social injustice issues. You can say that social injustice is everywhere. The effects of climate change can be seen all over the world. From the bushfires in California and Australia to the acceleration in the speed at which polar ice caps are melting, the threat that climate change poses to humanity is more evident than ever before.

in Congress. “The WASP program’s development was unlike that of any other women’s auxiliary, but all women’s detachments of the U.S. military faced opposition to their existence and continuance from the military, Congress, and the public, an opposition arose solely from the gender of those who comprised these auxiliaries.” Their battle for militarization and quest for veteran status became the main goal for the program and part of their long-lasting legacy. “The most egregious example of discrimination WASP encountered was the failure of the military to bestow veteran status on their members. During the program’s two-year duration, the brave women who served as WASPs were considered paid volunteers. “They are civil employees but they are in the Army Air Forces and they are, despite some rough going, little by little being considered as of the Army Air Forces.” Despite performing many of the same tasks, the women’s title of “civil employee” is harshly juxtaposed to their male counterparts, who were granted military status and thus reaped the ensuing benefits. On July 1, 1943, the Women Army Auxiliary Corps became the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) and by an act of Congress, was granted full military status. There was much controversy over whether or not the WASP program would join the WAC to obtain its militarization. However, “Jackie Cochran believed that such an organizational shift would entangle her pilots in Army bureaucracies, and hinder her plans to broaden their duties.” Without being confined by the WAC, Cochran and her WASPs continued the fight for military status. Despite continued efforts and repeated appeals to Congress long after their disbandment, the WASP program was not militarized until 1977. “President Carter signed the bill into law on November 23, 1977, one day before Thanksgiving, officially declaring the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots as having served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States for the purposes of laws administered by the veterans of the Army Air Forces.” Almost forty years after World War II, the WASPs’ other battle had come to a victorious end.

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