Social media marketing


1. When people think of marketing, they may think of advertising or, possibly, pushy salespeople. However, marketing is much broader, with a focus on the customer and customer satisfaction. In addition, marketing is all about stimulating demand. Discuss how consumers make purchasing decisions based on the four Ps of marketing. Please use examples.


2. Social media marketing is one of the fastest growing areas of the marketing world. Choose a network, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Instagram, and explain how you have been targeted by a product or service. Identify what segmentation strategy would be appropriate for this product or service.


3. Explain the overall importance of marketing research. Please share an example of a company that has failed to do marketing research. Explain what the company did wrong and make certain to define the problem.

Sample Solution

Social media marketing has become a major component of most modern marketing strategies due to its reach and effectiveness. I have recently been targeted by product or service ads through the Facebook platform which utilizes demographic, geographic and psychographic segmentation to target users with content relevant to their interests (Evanova 2018). In my case, I was exposed to particular ads for travel related services such as discounted flights or hotel stays.

In this instance, it is likely that Facebook used a combination of demographics such as age, gender and location in order to determine who should be exposed to these types of advertisements. For example, since I am a young adult living in the United States they may have assumed that I would be more receptive to travel-related offers than someone who lives outside the U.S. Additionally they may have utilized psychographic information such as interests in order narrow down the pool of potential viewers even further.

This type of segmentation strategy can be very effective when targeting customers for certain products or services because it allows companies to customize their messaging accordingly. By utilizing demographic data they can identify key customer segments based on factors like age or income while using psychographics provides insight into individual preferences which helps create personalized experiences (Evanova 2018). This also helps companies better allocate budgets towards campaigns geared towards those segments that are most likely respond positively.

Overall, segmentation strategies provide an effective way for businesses to target specific audiences with more tailored messages thus improving overall ad performance. In my case, Facebook’s use of multiple criteria helped them accurately identify me as an ideal candidate for travel-related promotions which allowed them to create an ad that was both relevant and engaging.

Worldwide regulation is characterized as a bunch of rules commonly viewed as restricting with regards to the connections between countries. The principal distinction between global regulation and homegrown regulation is the way that worldwide regulation isn’t typically so worried about individual privileges, yet rather the connection between countries. Where homegrown regulations oversee the way of behaving of people inside the states, global regulation administers the way of behaving of the actual states. Global regulation is shaped through the purposes of settlements, shows, accords and arrangements as opposed to depending on a solitary administrative body. Today in any case, there have been a development in worldwide regulation to incorporate standards that oversee the privileges of people too. This is known as Worldwide Confidential Regulation. Global confidential regulation typically manages individual contentions, for example, marriage and agreements debates, where theres either a decision or struggle of purview. The principles overseeing the lead of states falls under the domain of Public Global Regulation. Supranational regulations are provincial worldwide regulations, and may consider public regulations unimportant in the event that it conflicts with the deal made by the supranational overall set of laws.

Worldwide regulations are framed through various ways. The first are worldwide shows, otherwise called arrangements. This is basically a composed understanding between at least two nations in regards to an acknowledged norm on any global issue of contention. Being a party of a settlement as a rule implies that states reserve the privilege to recognize the what has been settled upon and to whom commitments are owed to. Deals between just two states are referred to as respective, though a settlement between various countries are known as multilateral. Deals which are broadly acknowledged by most nations are called all inclusive settlements.

Customs additionally direct worldwide regulation. At first, standard worldwide regulation isn’t recorded in any capacity. All things being equal, this means worldwide regulation can now and again be shaped through the direct and practices of nations. Standard regulations are in steady improvement as lead changes through time contingent upon a large number of situations. To recognize standard regulations, there are a couple of elements to consider. The first is the consistency where the practices have happened, as well as how frequently is polished. The second is the consensus of the training being referred to and for what length it has been rehearsed. The last component while attempting to consider whether a traditions is global regulation is the interests wherein the rehearsing parties who are extraordinarily impacted have in that specific practice.

At the point when homegrown regulation contentions with worldwide regulation, it is vital to know the two fundamental hypotheses which make sense of the connection between these two regulations. The primary hypothesis is monism. Monism sees worldwide regulation and homegrown regulation in a similar field. Basically, this implies that worldwide regulation applies straightforwardly towards homegrown regulations as well as the other way around. Albeit this hypothesis doesn’t make sense of which regulation outweighs everything else when struggle emerges, its central matter is that global regulation is quickly enforceable inside a countries homegrown framework.

The dualist hypothesis expresses that worldwide regulation and homegrown regulation are two separate l

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