Social movement


Provide an example of a social movement in the last three years that has been aided by digital activism. How did social media and digital technology help to bring about and influence this movement? Include a link to reputable, relevant source that describes the movement and its participants’ use of social media/digital technology and be sure to integrate the source into your response.
As a result of this activism, did large-scale, macro-level disruptive change occur? To what extent — to what degree? If not, why not? Be specific.


Sample Solution

The summer of 2020 was marked by a surging movement of activism calling for social change. Social movements fueled by social media are not new. George Floyd`s death on Memorial Day set in motion a national reckoning with the systemic inequality that Black Americans have been subjected to in this country for centuries. Thousands took to the streets in protest of anti-Black racism and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. The flames of activism and protest continued to burn in the digital space as well, where social movements both macro and micro attempted to chip away at biases and inequalities. On Twitter, people began matching donations en masse to bail funds.

During the Civil War Prisoner of war camps were utilized when aggressors were a caught beyond their area; those camps were stuffed, illness ridden, and in horrendous circumstances. The measurements behind the POW camps have been finished up by numerous sources and records. In the four years of the Civil War in excess of 150 POW camps were laid out in the North and South consolidated (“Prisons”). That number of camps might appear to be enormous, yet it plainly was insufficient considering the issues concerning stuffing. However the specific number of passings isn’t sure, records state 347,000 men kicked the bucket in camps all out, 127,000 from the Union, and 220,000 from the Confederacy (“Prisons”). Of the men that kicked the bucket in the Civil War the greater part of them were detainees of war. While contrasting the camps with war they shouldn’t have been so comparable, Men in camps were generally passed on to bite the dust. They experienced mental injury and unexpected problems the equivalent while possibly not more awful than officers battling the conflict. An illustration of jails esteeming incidental things over the detainees. From the years 1862-1865 Belle Isle kept detainees in Virginia under awful circumstances as per writer Walt Whitman. The detainees got through the gnawing cold, rottenness, hunger, loss of trust, and despondency (“Civil… Prison”). Beauty Isle had an iron plant and clinic on the island, at this point garisson huts were rarely constructed (Zombek). The detainees just had little tents to shield them from the components. The absence of sanctuary shows the needs of the detainees’ necessities while having an emergency clinic and iron industrial facility. As an outdoors barricade getting away from Belle Isle was progressively troublesome (Zombek). The complete dismissal with regards to the detainee’s wellbeing and security from components with regards to Elmira is absurd. In July of 1864 Elmira jail was opened. Elmira was known for the horrible passing pace of 25% and for holding 12,123 men Bailey when the directed limit was 4,000 (“Civil… ) Prison”). The dire requirement for clinical supplies was disregarded by the capital (“Elmira”). At the point when winter came Elmira the detainee’s clothing was taken and when Southerners were sent things, they would copy it in the event that it were not dark (“Elmira”). The abuse of detainees was purposeful at Elmira as well as different penitentiaries. Subsequent to taking a brief look at certain detainment facilities and the general measurements of camps coming up next is still very surprising. Andersonville was a Confederate POW camp, being the most exceedingly terrible one in history is painted out.

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