Social Penetration Theory

Write a paper that uses concepts and/or principles from a theory covered in class to analyze your own communication practices. In writing the paper, ask yourself: What insight(s) did the theory provide me to help me understand my own, and others’, communication behavior in everyday life? The paper should be approximately 5 pages (double-spaced) in length, or approximately 1,200 words.

Sample Solution


As Bjarne is too young to have the knowledge and understanding to best enforce his rights, Charlotte will be required to do it on his behalf. The best way to enforce his rights are on the grounds of the State breaching his Article 18 rights and Regulation 492/2011 rights . The requirement for Bjarne to have resided in the UK for 5 years constitutes to discrimination. The requirement is unlawful and is set in the Treaty Provision in Article 18 , which includes direct discrimination of nationality is prohibited. This is legally binding which means it constitutes to direct effect. The test which was set out in the case of Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen needs to be satisfied in order for Charlotte to use vertical direct effect. The requirements include: the EU provision needs to be sufficiently clear and precise, which Article 18 TFEU is. The provision must be unconditional, which it is only to EU citizens which Bjarne is, and it must leave no room for the exercise of discretion in its implementation by an institution or national authority which Article 18 doesn’t. As the provision passes these requirements, Charlotte will be able to enforce this provision and exercise Bjarne’s rights before the courts. The ESC can be considered and emanation of the state which is established in the Foster test: the body is considered to be providing a public service as it is a public school for special needs children. It is subject to state authority as is subject to the council. It can be considered to have special powers as it set a residency requirement and even turned away Bjarne based on it.

Maria is Luis’ daughter from a previous marriage and is 18 years old. She is Columbian and therefore not an EU citizen. She comes in the definition of a worker under the Directive 2004/38 Article 1 (c) “a child

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