Social Work and Human Services



Utilizing the case study, conduct a basic biopsychosocial assessment of Mrs. Rivera. Copy and paste the 7 categories below into your post and utilizing the case study, place the various case information points into the correct category.
Biological factors: (such as information regarding physical functioning)
Psychological factors: (such as coping capacities and affect)
Social factors: (such as social roles, social functioning, social supports, financial status)
Family factors:
Cultural factors:
Spiritual factors:
Factors in the social and physical environment:
Please do not use direct quotes or cut and paste from the background materials to respond to the TD. Use your own words to answer the TD question. Use in-text citations from the background material in your post. Put the Reference(s) at the bottom of your post. Remember, for every in-text citation there must be a reference and for every reference, there must be an in-text citation.
The Case Study Is Attached to the files .
Utilizing the Rivera Family case study again, identify the following information:
Utilizing a Strengths Based approach, identify 2-3 strengths that the Rivera Family presents with.
Which stage of change does the Rivera Family appear to be in?
If you were to conduct a more in-depth assessment with the Rivera Family, what additional information or further areas of assessment or concern would you want to obtain?
Please do not use direct quotes or cut and paste from the background materials to respond to the TD. Use your own words to answer the TD question. Use in-text citations from the background material in your post. Put the Reference(s) at the bottom of your post. Remember, for every in-text citation there must be a reference and for every reference, there must be an in-text citation.
TD 1

Sample Solution

is easier (Sert, 2005). Some feel that it is a burden going back to explain the lesson rather than just teaching it once, since it is their responsibility to teach in the target language. It is not an easy task dealing with two languages that sometimes do not share the same qualities, culture of the proposed lesson. These learners are being put in classrooms where they find it impossible to understand phrases, vocabulary throughout the course of learning and teachers begin to express negative opinions that eventually will have students not care about that particular class or subject. They may lose interest and eagerness to learn the second language and cause some confusion with the target language, with frequent use of code-switching it might influence the way learners communicate in the second language (Bhatt, 1997). Although, many researchers do agree that explaining a lesson the first time is easier as it saves time and minimizes confusion helping the learners factor in the second language and do not perceive it as too difficult to understand. This is a concept that is used in classrooms where many learn through peer assistance or sharing in which bilinguals are paired in groups with a more dominant bilingual speaker that will assist with the learning process, implementing code-switching.

In contrast to teachers being against code-switching, many are now embracing the tool within the classroom for teaching heritage language learners. Either introducing vocabulary, reading, or writing code switching is an integral part of language acquisition in dual language classes where bilinguals use their ability to interpret information utilizing both languages and utilizing their bilingual ability. Code switching employed by teachers and students as a resource can be used for constructing and transmitting knowledge, classroom management, and intepersonal relations (Saxena, 2009). Teachers are using this tool in a variety of ways in their lesson objectives in order to construct and determine the learning levels of bilinguals. This is comparable to cross curriculum teaching where both languages are utilized and teachers are also code switching as well. Going back and forth in discussions, participation, and presentations they are building a bridge between both languages (Toribio, 2004). There must be a constant flow of engagement in the le

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