Socio-political forces such as global government leadership

Socio-political forces such as global government leadership, industry or special interest groups, or environmental movements are often the positive force that is required for improved global environmental change. Think through some of the socio-political forces that you perceive have affected both global and domestic pollution control over the past four decades. Give an example of just one. How has this socio-political force positively impacted pollution control in your own community? How could it have done a better job?

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We are sure that climate change is occurring, that will worsen if we do not act quickly to stop it. If measures are not taken, it is estimated that emissions of carbon dioxide will be almost doubled or tripled by 2050 (Ritchie & Roser, 2017). Several factors influence the environmental performance simultaneously but ethnic fractionalization, political freedom, financial development and institutional quality have a substantial impact to explain the environmental performance across economies. This paper focuses on exploring how environmental performance is affected by these economic, political and social indicators. GDP growth, financial development and energy consumption enhance the industrialization and urbanization leading to increase the level of carbon dioxide emissions.

ation plays an important role in student engagement. Saeed and Zyngier (2012) contend that in order to assess student motivation, researchers should also have to examine engagement in and as part of learning.

Lewis et al (2014) reveal that within the online educational environment, students can be motivated by delivering an engaging student-centered experience consistently.

In the context of Student-Teacher Dialectical Framework embedded with Self-Determination Theory, Reeve, J. (2012) reveal three newly discovered functions of student engagement. First, is that engagement bridges students’ motivation to highly valued outcomes. Second, is that student engagement affects the future quality of learning environment especially in the flow of instruction, the external events it has, and the teacher’s motivating style. Third, is that student engagement changes motivation, which means that engagement cause changes in motivation in the future. Distance learning is an online education that provides opportunities towards educational advancement and learning development among learners worldwide. In order to sustain the educational goal of our country, distance learning is a new way of providing quality education as much as possible among public and private institutions especially to those pursing in higher education. The instructional delivery in considering distance education can be through synchronous or asynchronous mode of learning, in which students can engage and continually attain quality education despite of the pandemic situation.

According to article issued by University of Waterloo (2020), synchronous learning is a form of learning that is live presentation which allows the students to ask questions while asynchronous can be a recorded presentation that allows students to have time in reflecting before asking questions. Synchronous learning is a typical meeting of students in a virtual setting and there is a class discussion where everybody can participate actively. Asynchronous learning is the utilization of learning platform or portal where the teachers or instructors can post and update lessons or activities and student can work at their own pace. These types of class instruction are commonly observed in these times and students have their own preferences when it comes to what best works for them.

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