Product Description: A “Soft Drink” is a carbonated, flavored, non-alcoholic liquid meant for human consumption. Example products produced by this industry include cola (Coca-Cola, Pepsi Cola, Diet Dr. Pepper, store brands, etc.), flavored soft drinks (Orange Crush, Grape Nehi, etc.), root beer (A&W, Barq’s, IBC), ginger ale (Vernor’s, Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Schweppes Ginger Ale, etc.), etc.

Substitute Products: by definition, a substitute is a product produced OUTSIDE this industry but serves the same function as a product produced INSIDE this industry. Primary substitutes for soft drink products include milk, bottled (and tap) water, sparkling water, fruit juices, beer, wine, spirits, coffee, teas, soy and coconut milks, etc. (NOTE: A SUBSTITUTE IS NOT A PRODUCT MANUFACTURED BY A DIFFERENT COMPANY IN THE INDUSTRY).

Strategic Group: Coca-Cola (KO), PepsiCo (PEP), Monster Beverage (MNST), and Keurig/Dr Pepper (KDP).

Note: You MUST use these companies. Refer to them by their ticker symbol (i.e. “KO” for The Coca-Cola Company). Also, for the purposes of this project, just focus on the strategic grouping of companies listed above and pretend they all have a PRIMARY function of manufacturing Soft Drinks (not water, food stuffs, etc.). Ignore the company “Embotelladora Andina” and “American Beverage S.A.” These are international companies that are not in your strategic group.

Note: In this industry, note the following terms and DO NOT CONFUSE THEM:
– Raw material suppliers: These are the companies that supply raw materials that get turned into soft drinks.
– Manufacturers / Producers: These are the companies that purchase raw materials from suppliers and CREATE the soft drink products. These companies include the companies in the strategic group.
– Customers: These are the companies that purchase the soft drinks in bulk from the manufacturers. These would include wholesalers, retailers, etc. (This includes Walmart, gas stations, Publix, etc.).
– Consumers: These are the people who actually drink the soft drinks (i.e. you and me). The consumers buy from the customers. (The consumers are actually the retail or wholeseale organizations who buy from the companies that produce customers, not customers of the manufacturing industry).

1. Perform basic INDUSTRY research for the ENTIRE industry you have been assigned (not just the strategic group) and look for issues by following the PESTEL model’s major categories. Read what the textbook has to say about the PESTEL model and what types of things go into each category. You can also find examples online by just Googling “PESTEL Example” and reading some of the pages that show up. There is a great page at that should give you some good ideas.).

Make sure you have at least 20 opportunities and 20 threats total. However, they need to be spread out so that you have at least one opportunity and one threat for each category in each of the two models, with no duplicates. Even though a phenomenon can technically be listed in more than one category, only put it in one. It is even possible that a phenomenon can be both an opportunity and a threat, depending on how one views it. Regardless, only list something once.

2. Perform additional basic INDUSTRY analysis for the industry again, but this time use “Porter’s Five Forces” model. Identify at least 2 major issues for EACH of the forces in the model. (NOTE: Again, this is an INDUSTRY analysis, not a company analysis.)

For #1 and #2 above, the following items should help you get started. I expect to see most of
these in your work because they are nearly always applicable to most industries:

Unemployment rate, disposable income, wage rates, currency exchange rates, inflation rate, etc.
Political stability at home and abroad, military strife, effects of administration changes, etc.
Changing legislation (state / Federal), regulations (both FDA and EPA), court cases, etc.
Social and political issues regarding environmental concerns (raw materials, production, waste, etc.).
Technological developments, availability of raw materials, barriers to entry/exit, economies of
scale/scope, market growth/contraction, etc.
Social trends and issues involving the products themselves, generational issues (i.e. old consumers vs.
younger, demands consumers put on businesses, demand changes due to consumer preferences, etc..

3. Using this information, create a list of Opportunities and Threats (numbered O1, O2, O3, etc. and T1, T2, T3, etc.) that would apply to the majority of the companies in your firm’s industry. (note: If you provide an opportunity that is worded to include a something a competitor or the industry can do, your answer is completely incorrect and you will just have to do it over. Just because a company says that something is an opportunity for them does not make it an opportunity. Many companies often get this incorrect. Also, don’t use the words “Opportunity” or “Threat” to describe an opportunity or threat!) Opportunities and Threats ALWAYS meet the following criteria:
a. They represent phenomena or trends that currently exist and are not past or hypothetical future problems unless there is strong and sufficient evidence that suggests that the phenomena will PROBABLY exist (and your evidence must be clear and strong, in the present tense, with solid sources to back it up).
b. They represent phenomena or trends, NOT ACTIONS that a competitor or the industry might do about them (again, this is an automatic show-stopper). Read each one aloud and ask yourself if you are saying that a company can do something. If yes, then I stop grading here. If no, then possibly okay.
c. They apply to the environment in which the industry operates, not just to one or a few companies in the industry. Remember, your focus is on the environment in which the industry operates, not the industry competitors.
d. They are not under the control or direct influence of only one or a few competitors.
e. They do NOT describe things that are ALWAYS true (i.e., “Companies must follow government regulations”, or “When unemployment goes up, people have less money to spend”).
f. They are written in complete and grammatically correct sentences.
g. They are all in the present tense (not past or future tense).




Sample Solution

Global BUSINESS Amid the later 50% of the twentieth century U.S economy was the most dominant economy on the planet, they set the tenets for rest of the world. They built up global partnerships everywhere throughout the world which was to be sure the core of world economy. (Davis, 2009). At the point when the U.S economy was rising, the various nations economy were additionally developing, in the meantime when their economy went down it influenced practically the various bringing in and trading nations on the planet as a result of the ongoing emergencies which was named as “Worldwide FINANCIAL CRISIS”. This was intended to be the greatest emergencies after “THE GREAT DEPRESSION 1930” (Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2009). The emergencies have officially recorded loss of over $150 billion and vast number of banking foundations have defaulted on some loans or being sold.(Kregel, 2008) One among the banks sought financial protection was Lehman Brothers, which was Fourth biggest venture bank in U.S. (BBC, 2009). In this manner it is critical to recognize reasons for current monetary emergencies and goals measures. Besides, UK government should make compelling strides so as to decrease risk of further emergencies (Turner, 2009) Amid later piece of the nineteenth century that is 1973 Daniel ringer distributed a book titled “THE COMING OF POST INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY”. The book was tied in with guaging to discover the adjustments in economy and society in joined state. A standout amongst the most obvious changes as indicated by him was the work constrain moving from assembling and horticulture to support based industry which he named as “POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY”. The creator was directly in his forecast since today just 10% of the all out work drive is utilized in agribusiness and assembling industry. Between the period December 2000 and May 2009 US lost more than 5.25 million workers in assembling division. There were numerous issues in strong merchandise industry, especially in automobile producing industry. At least two organizations in that segment defaulted on some loans which expressed that there was part progressively awful news to come. Similarly, fabricating employments were enduring on a normal of 8 years contrasted with a normal of 3 years in administration industry. The move was driven by Wal-Mart. The firm utilized about 1.4 million representatives in 2009 which was more than that of 20 biggest American assembling organizations together. This made changes happen in benefits financing and individuals began putting resources into shared assets. This occurred through change in benefits monetary that took over little add up to common reserve from substantial measure of venture investment funds. This made weight for significant yields and furthermore removes the alternative of remaining with a solitary firm. This empowered development of institutional financial specialists. Colossal measure of versatile benefits reserves were overseen by banks, common assets and protection firms. About 1000 enterprise shares were possessed by institutional speculators in 2005, with common reserve taking limit of 10% or more in several companies. For makers the primary spotlight was on offer esteem which spread OME show (Original hardware producer) which implies the generation is out sourced to other outside associations. Other than makers, capacities, for example, HR and IT and so forth were additionally re-appropriated. This gradually rolled out intense improvements in conventional company where it ended up void. They were concerned chiefly about transforming the out-sourced items into marked products. This demonstrates the securities exchange existed just for immaterial resources. (Davis, 2009) Presently we will talk about the reasons for the Global monetary emergency: One of the fundamental purposes behind the emergencies was the lodging bubble. A lodging bubble is an economies bubble that happens in neighborhood or global market. The ongoing budgetary emergencies began in the long run in 2001 with the busting of U.S lodging bubble and achieved its top in 2005.Basically it is said when there is a quick increment in land prises until it contacts its pinnacle and achieves unsustainable dimension. The rise in the houses was recognized in 2006 after the market rectification. Previous director of Federal Reserve Board, Alan Greenspan said in 2007 that they had rise in lodging however it was extremely late until they understood in 2005 and 2006 (Bianco, 2008) Numerous market analysts trust that the fundamental explanation for lodging bubble was brought about by low loan cost set up by the Federal bank. The financing costs were diminished to 1% from 6.5%, this made individuals to contract their property against the credit. The banks consequently urged everybody to get advance against their home loans since land costs were at its pinnacle. [] When swelling started in 2004, US government pulled back fiscal convenience, they began expanding the loan cost and home loans installment likewise begun rising obviously. Tight cash strategy became an integral factor and there was an extraordinary interest of cash and in this manner house costs fell. Banks and other budgetary establishments financed at low rate, and when loan costs began raising there were overwhelming possibility of default by the subprime borrowers along these lines default by such borrowers prompted misfortunes. Despite the fact that the credits were verified and were sold to extraordinary institutional vehicles (SIV’s) the misfortunes were still bourn by banks and different organizations (Mohan, 2009) Deregulation of monetary framework offered ascend to tradable instruments through securitization. Securitization implies transforming a benefit or Mastercard obligation into tradable instrument. This framework made family unit to wind up the two financial specialists and guarantors of securities. Along these lines exchanging diverse type of capital developed which was insecure and did not keep going for long which caused the monetary emergencies (Davis, 2009). Clearly US government neglected to deal with their exchange shortage. The lodging bubble was essentially brought about by shoddy credit and low financing cost rates. The fundamental explanation behind shabby credit was there was a great deal Chinese capital in U.S. What’s more, that is on the grounds that US imports the vast majority of the items from china and pitches it at a shoddy rate to its buyers (Weismann, 2008) Worldwide Macro Economy Imbalance: According to Portes (2009) worldwide large scale economy was one of the major fundamental reasons of the monetary emergencies. This is a result of sparing ventures and immense cross fringe capital stream made a ton of weight on money related intermediation process, these lopsided characteristics with imperfection in the monetary market and instrument together ended up one of the particular highlights of emergencies (Mohan, 2009). In perspective on the present emergency, the UK Government can start the accompanying activities to keep another emergency: Taking a gander at the long haul , we consider what ought to be done so as to maintain a strategic distance from threat of future emergencies, obviously large scale economy irregularity was one of the major fundamental reason, so it is better UK government endeavor to discover the issues which lie at the interface between full scale economy approach and money related framework guideline. Hardly any more things that legislature ought to consider are they should ensure that they secure the requirements of normal individuals when the data is expensive to obtain. Next measure is the legislature should ensure that disguises noteworthy externalities. This is rather than the cash administrative casing work which does not concentrate on externalities and it likewise gives motivators to the organizations to turn out to be huge to come up short or too interconnected to even think about failing, on the grounds that the bigger the foundation the more interconnected and higher the danger of avoiding amid emergencies.( Brunnermeier, 2009) The legislature ought to likewise concentrate on precise hazard commitment on the grounds that amid the monetary emergencies misfortunes will in general spread over other budgetary foundations too. The legislature should endeavor to frame a guideline that decreases the danger of spreading over the misfortunes to budgetary establishments. A money related commitment to deliberate hazard can be vast due to its connection with budgetary challenges among different foundations or causes monetary troubles at different organizations. In this manner new measures ought to be gone for broke of both the channels. (Brunnermeier, 2009) As indicated by Turner (2009), liquidity the executives and new guidelines help to limit liquidity hazard. The future tenets and guidelines ought to be observed successfully (Turner, 2009). Resource value blasts can be managed by executing severe financial and fiscal approaches. These strategies should mull over value adjustment and full scale budgetary steadiness. There must be powerful co-appointment among local and universal arrangements. The UK Government should endeavor to balance out all the monetary establishments that hold illiquid resources. The controllers need to join full scale prudential and large scale financial investigation by utilizing sectoral examination (Turner 2009). REFERENCES: Brunnermeier, M.K., (2009) Financial Crisis: Mechanisms, Prevention and Management [Online] Princeton University. Accessible at: [accessed 28 February 2010] BBC., (2009) Timeline: Credit Crunch to Downturn [Online] Available at: [accessed 28 February 2010] Bianco, K.M., (2008) The Subprime Lending Crisis: Causes and Effects of the Mortgage Meltdown [Online] CCH Mortgage Compliance Guide and Bank Digest. Accessible at: [accessed 28 February 2010] Crotty, J., (2008) Structural Causes of the Global Financial Crisis: A Critical Assessmentof the ‘New Financial Architecture’ [Online] PERI – Political Eco

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