Software development


A) a second source about the specific topic
B) an additional source of background on the topic
You will then be required to write a one page paper outlining:
A) Details about the article
B) Your personal take and why you found it interesting
C) How it has to do with the class
D) How you see this impacting peoples lives
Every student will also be required to put together 8-12 slides using powerpoint, or something like it and make a 5 minute presentation

E Commerce
Enterprise Systems
Decision support Systems
Software development


Sample Solution

A) The article I chose is “Agile Software Development: A Comprehensive Overview” by Galina Mihaleva and Vicki G. Hester. This article provides an overview of agile software development, which is a process that uses iterative and incremental approaches to deliver high-quality software products to customers in a timely manner (Mihaleva & Hester, 2019). The authors discuss the benefits of using this methodology such as increased customer satisfaction, improved communication within teams, and faster delivery times (Mihaleva & Hester, 2019).

B) As someone who has been working in the tech industry for several years now, I found this article fascinating because it provided me with insight into how software development can be done effectively while still taking into account customer needs. Additionally, it highlighted the importance of team collaboration which I believe can often be overlooked in the software development process.

C) This article ties into our class by demonstrating how different processes like agile development can play a role in improving outcomes associated with technology projects. It also shows us how important it is to consider user experience when developing new technologies so that they are effective and useful for people. In addition, this article highlights common mistakes made during development which will help us avoid them when designing future projects .

D) Agile software development has the potential to have a significant impact on people’s lives because it encourages teams to focus on creating high quality products efficiently while considering user feedback throughout each stage of design. By implementing this process, organizations are able to create innovative solutions more rapidly without sacrificing quality or usability. This ultimately leads to better experiences for users since their needs are taken into consideration during each step of product creation (Mihaleva & Hester ,2019 ).

y and amount of language learning of EFL students are resolved generally with their jargon information (Decarrico, 2001; Portal and Brown, 1995; Maley, 1986; Schmitt 2000, refered to in Nosratian et al., 2015). Therefore numerous EFL teachers contend that deficiency of lexical information might hamper or dial back language learning (Fan, 2003, refered to in Nosratian etal., 2015).Without approaching a scope of jargon, we will not have the option to name objects, to communicate thoughts regarding explicit subjects or activities and get our implications across (Jafari and Kafipoor,2013,p.1).

Jargon information is much of the time saw as a basic device for second language students in light of the fact that a restricted jargon in a subsequent language hinders effective correspondence. Highlighting the significance of jargon obtaining, Schmitt (2000) underlines that “lexical information is fundamental to open skill and to the securing of a subsequent language” p. 55) Country (2001) further depicts the connection between jargon information and language use as corresponding: information on jargon empowers language use and, alternately, language use prompts an expansion in jargon information. The significance of jargon is exhibited day to day in and out the school. In homeroom, the accomplishing understudies have the most adequate jargon. Specialists like Laufer and Country (1999), Maximo (2000), Read (2000), Gu (2003), Marion and others have understood that the securing of jargon is fundamental for fruitful second language use and assumes a significant part in the development of complete spoken and composed texts. In English as a subsequent language (ESL) and English as an unknown dialect (EFL) learning jargon things assumes a crucial part in all language abilities (for example tuning in, talking, perusing, and composing (Country, 2011). Streams and Nunan (1991), moreover, contend that the securing of a satisfactory jargon is fundamental for effective second language use in light of the fact that without a broad jargon, we will not be able to utilize the designs and works we might have learned for understandable correspondence. Research has shown that second language perusers depend vigorously on jargon information and the absence of that information is the primary and the biggest deterrent for L2 perusers to survive (Huckin, 1995). Underway, when we have a significance or idea that we wish to communicate, we really want to have a store of words from which we can choose to communicate this importance or idea. ”At the point when understudies travel, they don’t convey sentence structure books, they convey word references” (Krashen, as refered to in Lewis, 1993, p25). Numerous scientists contend that jargon is one of the most significant on the off chance that not the main parts in learning an unknown dialect, and unknown dialect educational plans should mirror this. Wilkins (1972) states that: ”not much worth in is having the option to create linguistic sentences in the event that one lacks the necessary jargon to pass what one wishes on to express … While without punctuation very little can be conveyed, without jargon nothing can be conveyed” p97). Different researchers like Richards (1980) and Krashen (1989), as refered to in Maximo (2000) state many purposes behind dedicating consideration regarding jargon. “Initial, an enormous jargon is obviously fundamental for dominance of a language. Second language acquirers know this; they convey word references with them, not sentence structure books, and consistently report that the absence of jargon is a significant issue”.

Jargon learning is a vital undertaking of second language students perhaps the main one. As McLaughlin calls attention to, jargon advancement is the “prime errand of grown-up L2 students” (1978:324). To this end grown-ups convey word references, not sentence structures, when they travel in far off nations (Portal 1978, refered to by McLaughlin 1978). One can push the correspondence along gave one knows the substance words

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