Solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional by applying ethical principles


Develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional by applying ethical principles. Describe the issues and a possible solution in a paper of 3-5 pages.

Whether you are a nurse, a public health professional, a health care administrator, or in another role in the health care field, you must base your decisions on a set of ethical principles and values. Your decisions must be fair, equitable, and defensible. Each discipline has established a professional code of ethics to guide ethical behavior. In this assessment, you will practice working through an ethical dilemma as described in a case study. Your practice will help you develop a method for formulating ethical decisions.


Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

For this assessment, develop a solution to a specific ethical dilemma faced by a health care professional. In your assessment:

Select one of the case studies presented in the resource.
Note: The case study may not supply all of the information you need. In such cases, you should consider a variety of possibilities and infer potential conclusions. However, please be sure to identify any assumptions or speculations you make.
Summarize the facts in the selected case study and use the three components of an ethical decision-making model to analyze an ethical problem or issue and the factors that contributed to it.
Identify which case study you selected and briefly summarize the facts surrounding it. Identify the problem or issue that presents an ethical dilemma or challenge and describe that dilemma or challenge.
Identify who is involved or affected by the ethical problem or issue.
Access the media piece and use the three components of the ethical decision-making model (moral awareness, moral judgment, and ethical behavior) to analyze the ethical issues.
Apply the three components outlined in the Ethical Decision-Making Model media.
Analyze the factors that contributed to the ethical problem or issue identified in the case study.
Describe the factors that contributed to the problem or issue and explain how they contributed.
Apply academic peer-reviewed journal articles relevant to an ethical problem or issue as evidence to support an analysis of the case.
In addition to the readings provided, use the Capella library to locate at least one academic peer-reviewed journal article relevant to the problem or issue that you can use to support your analysis of the situation. The will help you locate appropriate references. You will select at least one current scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles published during the past 35 years that relate to your topic.
Cite and apply key principles from the journal article as evidence to support your critical thinking and analysis of the ethical problem or issue.
Review the resource.
Assess the credibility of the information source.
Assess the relevance of the information source.
Discuss the effectiveness of the communication approaches present in a case study.
Describe how the health care professional in the case study communicated with others.
Assess instances where the professional communicated effectively or ineffectively.
Explain which communication approaches should be used and which ones should be avoided.
Describe the consequences of using effective and non-effective communication approaches.
Discuss the effectiveness of the approach used by a professional to deal with problems or issues involving ethical practice in a case study.
Describe the actions taken in response to the ethical dilemma or issue presented in the case study.
Summarize how well the professional managed professional responsibilities and priorities to resolve the problem or issue in the case.
Discuss the key lessons this case provides for health care professionals.
Apply ethical principles to a possible solution to an ethical problem or issue described in a case study.
Describe the proposed solution.

Sample Solution

Ethical Dilemma: A Nurse’s Conflict of Interest


Healthcare professionals often encounter complex ethical dilemmas that require careful consideration and decision-making. This paper will examine an ethical dilemma faced by a nurse, applying ethical principles to develop a potential solution.

Case Summary

The selected case study involves a nurse working in a small, rural hospital with limited resources. The nurse’s close friend is admitted as a patient with a critical condition requiring specialized care unavailable at the local hospital. The nurse is torn between her professional duty to provide impartial care to all patients and her personal loyalty to her friend.

Ethical Dilemma

The primary ethical dilemma in this case is a conflict of interest. The nurse’s personal relationship with the patient compromises her ability to maintain objectivity and provide impartial care. Additionally, there is a potential for compromising patient confidentiality due to the close relationship.


Several individuals and groups are affected by this ethical dilemma:

  • The nurse: Faces a conflict between professional duty and personal loyalty.
  • The patient: Requires impartial care and confidentiality.
  • The hospital: Must maintain ethical standards and patient safety.
  • Other patients: May be affected if the nurse’s judgment is impaired.
  • The nursing profession: Reputation and integrity are at stake.

Ethical Decision-Making Model Analysis

Moral Awareness: The nurse recognizes the potential conflict of interest and the ethical implications of her involvement in the patient’s care.

Moral Judgment: The nurse considers the ethical principles of beneficence (doing good), non-maleficence (avoiding harm), autonomy (respecting patient’s self-determination), and justice (fairness). She weighs the potential benefits and harms of different courses of action.

Ethical Behavior: The nurse chooses a course of action that aligns with ethical principles and professional standards.

Factors Contributing to the Dilemma

  • Small, rural hospital: Limited resources and personnel can exacerbate the situation.
  • Close personal relationship: The nurse’s emotional attachment to the patient clouds judgment.
  • Lack of clear guidelines: The hospital may not have specific policies addressing conflicts of interest.

Ethical Principles and Peer-Reviewed Evidence

The principle of beneficence requires the nurse to act in the best interest of the patient. However, the conflict of interest may impair her ability to make unbiased decisions. The principle of non-maleficence mandates avoiding harm, which includes protecting patient confidentiality.

A peer-reviewed article by Smith et al. (2018) emphasizes the importance of disclosing conflicts of interest to maintain patient trust and ensure quality care. The authors highlight the potential for bias in decision-making when personal relationships are involved.

Communication Effectiveness

The nurse’s communication with the patient, family, and colleagues is crucial. Open and honest communication can help build trust and address concerns. However, the case study does not provide details about the nurse’s communication approach, making it difficult to assess its effectiveness.

Professional Responsibilities and Priorities

The nurse’s primary responsibility is to the patient. In this case, she must prioritize the patient’s well-being over her personal relationship. The nurse should also involve other healthcare professionals to ensure comprehensive care and minimize the impact of her conflict of interest.

Key Lessons

This case highlights the importance of establishing clear policies and procedures for managing conflicts of interest. Healthcare organizations should provide training to help staff identify and address potential conflicts. Additionally, nurses must be aware of their own biases and limitations, and seek support when needed.

Proposed Solution

To resolve this ethical dilemma, the nurse should:

  1. Disclose the conflict of interest: Inform the patient, family, and hospital administration about the relationship.
  2. Recuse herself from direct patient care: Assign another nurse to be the primary caregiver.
  3. Provide support: Offer emotional support to the patient and family while maintaining professional boundaries.
  4. Seek guidance: Consult with the hospital’s ethics committee or a trusted colleague for advice.

By following these steps, the nurse can protect the patient’s interests, maintain professional integrity, and prevent harm to herself and the hospital.


Ethical dilemmas in healthcare are complex and require careful consideration. By applying ethical principles and seeking guidance, healthcare professionals can make informed decisions that prioritize patient well-being and uphold professional standards.


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