Somatic symptom-related category disorder





Imagine that you know someone with a disorder from the somatic symptom-related category. Describe their specific symptomology, etiology, epidemiology, and treatment recommendations. The person should be fictitious, but your explanations should be accurate for the disorder you choose to discuss. Be creative! Ensure your response is original. Do not just recite material from the textbook.

Sample Solution

Somatic symptom disorder is characterized by an extreme focus on physical symptoms, such as pain or fatigue, that causes major emotional distress and problems functioning. You may or may not have another diagnosed medical condition associated with these symptoms, but your reaction to the symptoms is not normal. Causes include: genetic and biological factors, such as an increased sensitivity to pain; family influence, which may be genetic or environmental, or both; personality trait of negativity, which can impact how you identify and perceive illness and bodily symptoms. Cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness-based therapy are effective for the treatment of somatic symptom disorder.

  • [16]. (a) (b) (c) Figure 2.1 Basic VCS proposed by Naor and Shamir The primary downsides of the above plans is that only one bunch of private messages can be installed, so to share a lot of secret messages a few offers must be produced. 2.1.2 Sharing Multiple Secrets The various mysteries sharing procedure in visual cryptography was proposed by S J Shyu et al [7]. This plan encodes a bunch of n’ 2 privileged insights into two offers as a circle. The n mysteries can be gotten individually by stacking the primary offer and the by pivoting second offers with n different turned points. To encode limitless states of picture and to eliminate the constraint of transparencies to be round, Fang [8] recommended reversible VCS strategy. In this proposed plot two mystery pictures that are scrambled into two offers; one mystery picture shows up with simply stacking two offers and the other mystery picture shows up with stack two offers in the wake of switching one of them. Jen-Bang Feng et al [9] fostered a visual mystery sharing plan for concealing different mystery pictures into two offers. This recommended plot examines the mysterious pixels and the comparing share blocks to develop a stacking relationship diagram, in which the common blocks are signified by vertices and the edges signify two blocks stacked together at the ideal unraveling point. Two offers are produced by this chart and the pre-characterized visual example set. Wu and Chen [10] were first specialists to introduce the visual cryptography plans to share two mystery pictures in two offers. This plan conceals two mystery paired pictures into two irregular offers, for instance; An and B, with the end goal that the principal mystery should be visible to stacking the two offers, meant by A??B, and the subsequent mystery can be gotten by first turning A ?? hostile to clockwise. They planned the turn point ?? to be 90′. Figure 2.1 Pixel Distribution likelihood However, it is not difficult to get that ?? can be 180′ or 270′. To defeat the point limitation of Wu and Chen’s plan [10], Hsu et al. [3] proposed a plan to conceal two mystery pictures in two rectangular offer pictures with erratic turning points. Wu and Chang [4] likewise refined the possibility of Wu and Chen [10] by encoding offers to be circles so the limitations to the turning points (?? = 90′, 180′ or 270′) can be taken out. To give more arbitrariness to producing the offers Mustafa Ulutas et al [2] prompted secret sharing plan in light of the offer pivot. This plan shares are rectangular in shape and are created in a total irregular way. Stacking of two offers uncovers the main mystery. By pivoting the principal share by 90?? counterclockwise and stacking it with the subsequent offer uncovers the subsequent mystery. Tzung-Her Chen et al [11] offered the numerous picture encoding VCS by turning irregular matrices, with no pixel extension and codebook upgrade. A no pixel development reversible visual mystery sharing strategy that doesn’t have to characterize the query table was presented by Fang [13]. To encode four insider facts into two offers and recuperating the recreated pictures without bends Zhengxin Fu et al [14] expected a turn VCS. Revolution visual cryptography plot development depended on corresponding frameworks set and arbitrary stage premise, which can b

Ethic in data the board setting included a norm or code of conduct anticipated by individual or gathering about a good and bad conduct inside a general public. Everyone must mindful about this matter as who are not ready about ethic can be charge under a legitimate regulation. This research project has explicitly centered about an ethic in a computerized signature climate as these days is having a wrongdoing in this calling. Government has presents a Digital Signature Act 1997 that cover any violations that related with Digital Signature wrongdoings. Individual who finished this work is having an exceptional and strong abilities who can gain admittance to anybody private gadgets or records without a consent from the lawful proprietors. Government

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