Song lyrics


Write a song based on something you know very well–the story of your life. When writing the lyrics, be sure to consider how they will work with standard song
forms and the musical composition you may have in mind. Remember, you can have a great melody, but if the lyrics are weak, it can drag down your whole
composition, so this assignment is all about the lyrics! Your song can be free form or it can have a structure, but the goal is for it to highlight key
moments in your life.

When you are done, share the lyrics with us as an image file (make them look good, if you can, with any visuals that support the lyrics). Try your best to fit
your song on a single image (the system will accept up to 3 separate images).

Here’s how we will evaluate your submission’s quality:

The song and lyrics are reflective of your life and persona
The image file for the lyrics is clear and details are easily understood.
The lyrics tell a life story.

go back into the sample to dissolve the oil inside the sample and the water in the cooler is distilled, secondly the sample will be free of water after the process is completed.
In the next step, the sample is placed in Soxhlet apparatuses in order to remove any remaining oil, and make the calculation to get the oil and water percentage.
In the last two weeks of internship, I spent my time in training myself in different departments which I have worked in and working with the lab engineers in the department.
Activates and recommendations

During my time at the Weatherford Company as a practical student there were several activities done by the Weatherford laboratory department, I have been noticing and observing every necessity details related to that. Here I will discuss about activities and propose recommendations if necessary.
In addition, all activities were carried out for various purposes in the Department and were held by professionals. To give an example of that QHSSE meetings, lectures, Radiation test of CT scan, and emergency Oil spill task.

5.1 QHSSE Meetings
To begin with, QHSSE stand for Quality, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment excellence meetings which discuss all the safety moments happen in the industry or in employee’s daily life, also is talk about how to keep the environment safe while dealing with waste, and raise the awareness of employees and their understanding in different areas of work.
5.2 Lectures
The operation manager of the department gives lectures in technical and theoretical part in several subjects once a week for all the workers in the laboratory. The lectures contain the idea behind different processes used in the laboratory also to achieve a better understanding of employees in several sections.


The lectures are presented in white bored without any other materials which could help the person to understand in better way. I have found during the lecture that some workers found difficulties in understanding the main idea of the topic.
In my point of view, the lectures could be presented in an interesting way if the presenter use some other materials behind white bored for example pictures, power point, graphs, and videos related to the topics.
5.3 Radiation test of CT scan
Radiation test of CT scan is performed to determine the amount of radioactive waves emitted from CT scan. This test is an essential for all the workers inside the laboratory due to the harmful emitted waves.
The test done by the lab engineer using a special device that measures the emission of radiation waves.

I have noted during the test that some works do not have enough idea about the risks of radiation waves and they do not wear a special lab costume that prevent them.
My own feeling on the subject is that there should be some rules and actions taken by the responsible person in order to maintain the safety of employees also educate the staffs about the risks of radiation waves.
5.4 Oil spill
The department safety manager performed a task of Oil spill, the oil was spilled on the ground without informing any of the workers in order to test the ability of employees in dealing with various safety situations.What’s more, the manager discus around the safety issues as well as the accidents that can be cussed by oil spill and the correct way of how to deal with similar situations in future.
The task was completed in a useful way and improve the workers knowledge about safety in the work place.
In contrast, while running the task the safety equipment was not found in the proper place also some workers do not have a complete idea of using the equipment.
In my opinion, the department should assign some workers to check the safety gear monthly also place it in its proper place to avoid any misbehaver.

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