Opening Spaces: South Asian American Women Leaders in the Late Twentieth Century (page 350)
Summary of article selected: a paragraph with citations
Reflection of the reading: a paragraph
A reflection can include your own personal experience that’s related to the readings, a connection to the reading that you found in a news or academic article, movie, YouTube video, etc.
You can also include your thoughts, views, or opinion about the chapter reading you selected.
If you’re having trouble, you can answer the following questions:
What did you find interesting about the reading?
What would you have done in their situation?
How would the issues in the chapter be in today’s political climate?
Where does issue the issues stand today?
What policies or suggestions do you have to improve the issues?
March is designated as Women’s History Month and today is International Women’s Day. South Asian women were absolutely prohibited from emigrating to the United States during the first waves of immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Aiming to discourage migrants from staying abroad, immigration laws like the Chinese Exclusion and Asiatic Barred Zones Acts were designed to bar women from entering. Despite these limitations, women entered the country as immigrants and became fully incorporated into both private and public life as students, employees, spouses, mothers, and grandparents. Despite having served as the cornerstone for the development of political organizations, religious institutions, and community organisations,
War has changed in practically all perspectives throughout the course of recent years. The effects on individuals and spot, and how war is battled has generally changed. From customary fighting with coordinated fights and generally passings from the officers, to present day fighting like the two universal conflicts with huge non military personnel setbacks. The manner by which fighting is battled has likewise changed and the motivations behind why wars start are unique. We used to battle wars for the most part for control of land and to extend and domain, in present day clashes it is for the most part polite and strict contentions for control of the public authority.
Conventional Warfare
Conventional Warfare is altogether different to how struggle is battled today. Officers battled with blades, lances, bows, weighty covering and basic, yet thoroughly examined strategies. Nations were extremely strategic and searched out battle to extend their domains. The Ancient city province of Sparta in Greece is a reasonable illustration of this. Sparta was extraordinary in old Greece for its social framework and constitution, which designed their whole society to augment military capability no matter what, and totally centered around military preparation and greatness. Their hoplites the Spartans were notable for their fight ability and methodology. They utilized the strategy the phalanx for their potential benefit which permitted them to vanquish and loot. It made totally out of weighty infantry furnished with lances, three meter long pikes, and comparative weapons. They remained in a lines, containing numerous columns of Spartans with their pikes confronting advances, the subsequent line would confront their pikes on a vertical point to keep anybody from bouncing over the first line of pikes. Alexander the Great utilized the procedure a ton permitting him to vanquish quite a bit of Asia and northwest Africa. The phalanx could likewise be utilized for protection with respect to some time the development was practically impervious. It couldn’t be charged by infantry or rangers, and the hoplites had enormous safeguards and weighty covering to shield from shots. It was only after the Roman victory of Greece that the phalanx was at long last outclassed by Roman legionaries with their portability and trend setting innovation. Pushing forward into the Middle Ages with the English longbow. The English longbow was a strong archaic kind of longbow around 1.8 m long involved by the English and Welsh for hunting and as a weapon in archaic fighting. English use