Spaceship to Kepler-452b


Very rarely, human babies are born with what appear to be tails. These are oftentimes caused by an elongated tailbone, or coccyx. These tails are surgically removed and do not usually pose a risk to the child’s health. However, why would humans even have a coccyx in the first place, if we do not have tails? Explain the significance of a coccyx and why humans have it, as well as what type of structure it is and where it comes from. In addition, identify another similar structure in humans and explain its evolutionary history. (Use words such as: vestigial structures, evolution, function, evolutionary remnant)

You are on a spaceship to Kepler-452b, an exoplanet similar to Earth, in the hopes of finding a habitable planet. After the 1,400 light year journey, you come into orbit of this planet and discover, remarkably, that the geography is similar to the earth. Your onboard devices scan the planet’s surface, and you find active volcanoes, deep canyons carved by rivers, and mountains with many layers of rock strata. This planet has existed in the habitable zone of its star for 6 billion years, making it significantly older than the earth, and this can be seen in its extreme geography. Describe and explain the processes that occurred over time to create the geography of this planet. Relate these ideas to the evolution of species. (Use words such as: catastrophism, uniformitarianism, gradualism, genetic drift, descent with modification)

Once you land on Kepler-452b, your new home, you observe many species of flora and fauna. The dedicated biologist that you are, you make note of the different types of species. You come across a bird-like species, and intriguingly you find that the members are either white or black, but very few exist in the shades in between. These birds are prey to a giant avian species, similar to hawks, and they spend most of their time hiding on the trees on the planet. The trees are nothing like the ones on earth; they have extremely white barks starkly contrasted with black leaves. From an evolutionary perspective, explain why the birds are mostly black and white, and the type of selection that led to this. Identify and explain an example of this type of selection on Earth. (Use words such as: disruptive selection, evolutionary pressure, natural selection, relative fitness)

Sample Solution

wrongdoers were dealt with specially in the Criminal Justice System and beneficiaries of male thoughts of gallantry, because of the way that it was to a great extent commanded by guys. (Tjaden and Tjaden 1981).

He suggested that female wrongdoers were shielded from discipline and set on platforms during the procedure, which brought about their crime being treated with tolerance. He likewise contended that the police, judges and other law requirement authorities by and large will in general be men who have been raised to be valiant. Along these lines, he proposed they are typically permissive with female wrongdoers and in this way less ladies show up in the measurements. It is along these lines imperative to recognize this might influence the dependability of wrongdoing measurements somewhat, as the quantity of female crooks in legitimate insights could be excessively low.

Self-report irritating investigations, just as authentic insights, do seem to help the Chivalry Thesis. Campbell (1981) completed one of the principal self-report contemplates which concentrated essentially on female wrongdoing, meeting 66 young ladies. She contrasted the information from her examination and West and Farrington’s outcomes, and found that both of the investigations demonstrated comparative outcomes; for each 1 wrongdoing submitted by a female,1.33 offenses were submitted by guys. At the point when this information is differentiated to the 1976 authority calculates that show 8.95 male feelings for each female conviction, we can see th

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