Special education

Special education has changed significantly over the past 100 years. Technology has enabled many of the innovations and changes and can be a great tool to promote learning in the classroom and throughout school districts.

Review the ISTE Standards for Educators.

Examples of technologies that improve student learning within a special education environment.
Examples of technologies that could be used collaboratively within a special education environment.
Considerations regarding student access to and use of technology for learning.

Support your position with 4 sources.

Sample Answer

The definition of special education is a form of learning provided to students with exceptional needs, such as students with learning disabilities or mental challenges. An example of special education is the type of reading help that is provided to a student who is dyslexic. Some of the technologies for special needs students include electronic worksheets, phonetic spelling software, talking calculators and videotaped social skills.

Dissociative Disorder


Dissociative issue alludes to a condition that includes breakdowns or disturbances of mindfulness, memory, personality or observation. Dissociative issue happen when people have consistent and rehashed episodes of separation. They regularly lead to trouble, and inner disarrays that meddles with school, work, home and public activity. The five DSM-IV dissociative issue are depersonalization issue, dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, dissociative issue not generally indicated and dissociative character issue. As per Haddock (2001) the clutters are dissociative on the grounds that they are set apart by disturbance or separation of a person's fundamental parts of cognizance, for example one's close to home history and individual personality.

Extreme types of separation happen because of awful encounters like youth misuse, criminal assaults or inclusion catastrophic events. People with intense pressure issue, transformation issue, somatization issue or posttraumatic stress issue may create dissociative side effects. Horrible recollections are not coordinated or prepared in a similar way as regular recollections yet are somewhat divided from or separated and may restore awareness without giving a notice. The influenced individual is generally not ready to alter or control these recollections and as time passes by, horrendous and the typical recollections may exist together as practically equivalent to without being mixed or joined. In extreme cases various arrangements of dissociative recollections may make people to create disengaged character conditions of these recollections coming about to a turmoil called dissociative personality issue.

Separation and dissociative issue

Separation is a term that depicts the absence of association in the midst of things that are regularly connected with each other. Separation allows the brain to compartmentalize or isolate certain musings or recollections from ordinary awareness. Separated encounters are not fused into the ordinary self sense, and this prompts irregularity in mindfulness. In extraordinary kinds of separation, disengagement happens in the ordinarily joined elements of memory, awareness, discernment or character. For example, an individual may consider an event that was incredibly upsetting yet do not have the inclination about it.

Separation can influence the subjectivity of an individual and change the conventional emotions, activities and contemplations. These changed feelings or considerations cause the influenced individual to attempt a demonstration that she or he doesn't know about. For example, an individual may unexpectedly build up a sentiment of unendurable bitterness with no unmistakable purpose behind this inclination and afterward this inclination vanish similarly it developed or an individual may get herself or himself doing a thing that she or he don't normally do and think that its difficult to stop these activities (Putnam, 1997).

Five center dissociative indications


Depersonalization is simply the modification of one's understanding or discernment and individual feels detached from his of her standard self. Depersonalization likewise shows itself through an inclination that oneself is incredible or abnormal, feeling as though one is in dream or feeling as though one were a robot.


Derialization alludes to the modification in experience or impression of the outside world. It typically includes a feeling of loss of consciousness of one's relational or physical condition. Individuals with this indication may see the individuals they know as outsiders.

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