Speech Evaluation


1. How would you rate the speaker’s ethos?

2. Was the speech adapted to its listeners’ needs and interests?

3. Did the speech take into account the cultural complexity of its audience?

4. Was the message clear and well structured?

5. Was the language and presentation of the speech effective?

6. How did listeners respond both during and after the speech?

7. Did the speaker demonstrate responsible knowledge and a careful use of communication techniques?

8. Did the speaker show proper concern for the impact of the message on listeners?


Sample Solution

Speech Evaluation

A speech evaluation is the measurement of a person’s communication skills. It is done to find out if a person has communication problems. A good speaker should show examples of ethos shown in a speech or writing by sounding fair and demonstrating your expertise or pedigree. Use the information about the specific audience to adapt the message to the audience while preparing a speech. Consider ways to find common ground with the audience in order to adapt analogies, vocabulary, quoted sources of authority, and dialect to the audience, while also avoiding jargon. The feedback that is voluntarily or involuntarily provided by listeners is monitored by the speakers in order to get closure on their actions, that is, in order to know to what degree the intended actions were successful. Making a topic relevant for your audience increases the likelihood that they will remember the information contained in your speech.

ams in health care face several challenges such as increasing complexity of health care provision; emphasis on efficiency and cost control; and focus on innovation, patient and person centred care delivery (IoM, 2001) (Kessel, Kratzer, & Schultz, 2012). Often high performing teams are seen as a panacea for the continuously challenging environment. Moreover, several studies have shown the link between high performing teams and performance in terms of patient safety (Carayon, et al., 2014; Baker, Salas, & Barach, 2003), quality of care (Carayon, et al., 2014; Gittel, et al., 2000), clinical performance (Baker, Salas, & Barach, 2003; Gittel, et al., 2000), individual well-being (Manser, 2009).
A 2016 longitudinal study by People Analytics Unit of Google found psychological safety to be the top characteristic of the high-performing teams (Newman, Donohueb, & Evab, 2017). Psychological safety describes the perception that an individual holds regarding the consequences of interpersonal risks in their working environment (Edmondson, 2004). In psychologically safe environments, followers are encouraged to seek help when they have doubts regarding tasks, to ask for feedback, to speak up on errors and concerns, to be comfortable with innovation and innovative behaviours, and to cooperate with other groups (Edmondson, 2004). Moreover, studies have emphasised psychological safety as vital in decreasing employees’ errors and in increasing safety, thus highly important for environments like health care provision (Newman, Donohueb, & Evab, 2017).
In reviewing the antecedents of psychological safety, Edmondson (2004) argues that the behaviours that position the leader as being approachable and available, inviting input, and modelling fairness and fallability is crucial for nurturing team psychological safety. Furthermore, studies also showed that leaders who encourage their members’ participation and exhibit orientation towards improvement manage to foster higher levels of psychological safety in their teams (Newman, Donohueb, & Evab, 2017).

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