Spending money on nutrition for all student athletes


What are the thought about spending money on nutrition for all student athletes? In your response, include whether you agree or disagree with investing great amounts of money into nutrition for college athletes, and justify your position.
In your responses to classmates, examine their arguments for or against nutrition spending, and address whether their argument strengthens or weakens your position.


Sample Solution

At the most basic level, nutrition is important for athletes because it provides a source of energy required to perform the activity. Their performance depends on food they take. Student-athletes generally need more calories than their non-athlete counterparts, and that means more food. But with food costs rising, eating enough nutritious food can be challenging, especially if money is tight. Getting enough calories is important, but there is more to proper fueling than just eating more food. Student-athletes need adequate carbohydrates and fat for energy and high-quality protein to build and repair body tissues. Though healthy foods can be expensive, there are nutritious, budget-friendly foods in all of the food groups. You just need to know what to choose.

people’s interests, under legitimate authority, which links on to the fourth condition: Public declaration of war. Agreed with many, there must be an official announcement on a declaration of war (Frowe (2011), Page 59-60&63).
Finally, the most controversial condition is that wars should have a reasonable chance of success. As Vittola reiterated, the aim of war is to establish peace and security; securing the public good. If this can’t be achieved, Frowe argues it would be better to surrender to the enemy. This can be justified because the costs of war would have been bigger (Frowe (2011), Page 56-7).
Consequently, jus ad bellum comprises several conditions but most importantly: just cause and proportionality. This gives people a guide whether it’s lawful to enter a war or not. However, this is only one part of the theory of the just war. Nevertheless, it can be seen above that jus ad bellum can be debated throughout, showing that there is no definitive theory of a just war, as it is normatively theorised.

Jus in bello

The second section begins deciphering jus in bello or what actions can we classify as permissible in just wars (Begby et al (2006b), Page 323).
First, it is never just to intentionally kill innocent people in wars, supported by Vittola’s first proposition. This is widely accepted as ‘all people have a right not to be killed’ and if a soldier does, they have violated that right and lost their right. This is further supported by “non-combatant immunity” (Frowe (2011), Page 151), which leads to the question of combatant qualification mentioned later in the essay. This is corroborated by the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, ending the Second World War, where millions were intently killed, just to secure the aim of war. However, sometimes civilians are accidentally killed through wars to achieve their goal of peace and security. This is supported by Vittola, who implies proportionality again to justify action: ‘care must be taken where evil doesn’t outweigh the possible benefits (Begby et al (2006b), Page 325).’ This is further supported by Frowe who explains it is lawful to unintentionally kill, whenever the combatant has full knowledge of his actions and seeks to complete his aim, but it would come at a cost. However, this does not hide the fact the unintended still killed innocent people, showing immorality in their actions. Thus, it

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