Sport Economics & The Design of Competitions


“Critically assess the effectiveness of the organisation and structure of a sport competition/league of your
choice informing your analysis with reference to the relevant literature on sports economics and sport business
management. In the light of your analysis what recommendations would you make for the re-organisation of
that sport competition/league?”


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attributed as rare condition-affecting infants of women having lupus and is led by antibodies from the mother that acts upon in the womb upon the infant. During birth, the infant might have liver problems, skin rash, or low blood cell counts though these symptoms disappear entirely after a few months with no lasting impacts. The infants with neonatal lupus could also have a severe heart defect. There are various aspects that cause lupus. Many and not all the scientists’ notion that lupus develops in regards to a combination of aspects both outside and inside the body comprising environment, hormones, and genetics.

The body’s messengers are hormones (Mohan, & Putterman, 2015). They regulate numerous body functions. Since nine out of 10 happenings of lupus are in women, researchers have viewed the relationship between lupus and estrogen. While women and men both produce estrogen, in female its production is greater. Many females have extended lupus symptoms during pregnancy of before menstrual periods, as the production of estrogen is high. That might signify that estrogen someway regulates lupus severity. Researchers have currently identified over 50 genes that they link to lupus. These genes are extensively common viewed in individuals with lupus than in those lacking the illness, and while numerous genes have never been indicated to directly lead to lupus, they are thought to lead to it (Yu, Gershwin, & Chang, 2014). Many researchers currently believe that an environment agent like a chemical or virus randomly met by a genetically vulnerable individual act to prompt the disease.

There has not been a specific environmental agent identified by researchers, but the theory remains likely. Whereas the environmental aspects that could prompt lupus and lead to flares are not completely understood, the most frequently cited are exposure to silica dust use in industrial settings or agriculture, infections, and ultraviolet light. Lupus, as defined, is an autoimmune illness and is never contagious, as it cannot be passed from one individual to the other. Autoimmune illnesses are characterized by the immune system malfunction (Crow, 2014). Due to this malfunction, a person’s immune system fails to r

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