Sports in American Society

Your first discussion for module five will ask you to comment on the political economy of professional sport. Of particular interest in this discussion will be the transition from collegiate athletics into professional athletics. As many writers and athletes contend, the transition into professional sport is a wake-up call in which multiple stakeholders have an interest in an athlete’s success on the court or field. In this sense, athletes move from the world of “amateur” sport into one in which sport is a legitimate industry.

Before participating in this discussion, make sure you have completed all video and reading content for the module. Using as many of the module readings and other module learning materials as possible, please respond to the following questions in your post:

• Drawing upon the readings you have done concerning commodification and the murky difference between amateur and professional sport, is it a fair argument that professional athletes are themselves a commodity? Why or why not? Are amateur, college athletes any different? Cite your readings in your response.
• Explain some of the ethical arguments in favor of, and opposed to, paying amateur college student-athletes. For example, is it fair to regard student athletes as employees of the University? Why or why not?


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The Poem of Beowulf

Beowulf’s verse is a story composed toward the start of Christianity 1000 years prior. That is the reason there are heaps of allurements and Satan in the story. Beowulf was composed by an unknown Christian priest. This story occurs in the present Denmark that occurs in a little realm called Hello “Gulch”. The tale of Beowulf tells a totally extraordinary principle character with some other legend in antiquated writing. Since not at all like Oxeus, in contrast to Achilles, they have to endure.

Seamus Heaney’s artist Beowulf delineates Beowulf as an ideal legend. Beowulf was the child of Edgetho’s fantasy and later became lord of Geats. In this sonnet, Beowulf indicated courage in two phases of his life, youth and mature age. In the entire sonnet, Beowulf is defied with three troublesome clashes between Glendell, the mother of Glendell, and the mythical serpent. In the entire novel, Beowulf is a renowned and regarded warrior from Geatland. In Beowulf’s childhood, he was viewed as an incredible warrior drawn by his quality, boldness and mental fortitude.

In the whole epic “Beowulf”, the fundamental character Beowulf endured three major battles. Each fight is a great trial of his quality. As verse and Beowulf ‘s progress experienced various things, his character experienced huge changes just as his purposes behind fight. His first battle was against Monster Glenn who was scaring the Kingdom of Herrosga for quite a while. At that point he battled with Glendell’s mom who was looking for vengeance for Beowulf to execute her child. His last battle was against the winged serpent he took a stab at vindicating the individuals of the town to take his fortune. Every one of these battles is because of totally various reasons, and each game bigly affects his life and character. Beowulf initially battled against the beast Glendell. Glendell is surrendered by society and is irate with Herrot’s singing and celebrating. Glendell executed numerous ruler warriors while dozing.



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