Discuss the laws against animal cruelty.
Read: Chapter 10, 30, and 12 in Sprague and Boday, The speaker’s compact handbook. Sprague, J., Stuart, D. & Bodary, D. (2014). The speaker’s compact handbook. (4th Ed.), Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, Boston, MA. This assignment has two tasks: Task 1: Informative speech (4-5 minutes, extemporaneous style, based on research) delivers a thesis-driven informative speech of 4-5 minutes, on a topic that is both persona
State laws regulating animal cruelty
In the United States, animal protection laws can be enacted and enforced at every level of government. Most animal protection legislation happens at the state level. It is against the law in every U.S. state to treat animals cruelly. State laws usually prohibit several different kinds of mistreatment, from torturing or maiming an animal to not providing proper food and shelter. There are also a handful of federal animals protection laws. For example, The PACT (Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture) Act: signed into law in 2019, the PACT Act makes some of the most egregious forms of animal cruelty – specifically crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating, impaling or sexual exploitation – in or affecting interstate commerce or within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States as federal crime.
CC has admitted that it’s hard to precisely define what is culture (O’Brien and Yar, 2008). In a postmodern world it puts a large emphasis on globalisation, fluidity, and transition. CC can be considered as one of the most extreme forms of ethnography, as it has the most complex relationship to it. Through ethnography academics can study and observe groups of people, which can vary in sizes, and in an era of globalization, it is important to observe how society is drifting. As we know, ethnographical studies were prioritised by the Chicago School of Criminology, whereby researchers discovered a way of studying society through direct observation, which is observing people in their natural setting, without disturbing them. It is interesting that Chicago in the 1940’s received many refugees from Europe during the 2nd World War, (Kivisto, Persons and Pinderhughes, 1988) and because of this Chicago has become ethnically diverse, and so displayed many of the characteristics of a fluid diverse world, as in globalisation (Marks and Grossman, 1991). Ethnography is the best way to observe a group of people and their behaviour, and has been used with animals as well, trying to observe their behaviour in their natural setting. In this project ethnography has not been used, since it would be dangerous to attend any events with a group such as Antifa who are known to have committed violent attacks. Ethnography is a good option to study groups of people, it is best to combine ethnography with CC, to understand the origin of the behaviour. Nonetheless, although circumstances prevent the use of ethnography on this occasion, the dissertation can assess the viability to the future cultural criminology studies in this area.
The Godfathers of CC are Jock Young and Jeff Ferrell say that under the boredom that modernity has brought us, rebellion and excitement are often seen as a virtue, and society forms political and cultural mass rebellions, as a way to bring excitement to our lives. To understand this boredom caused by modernity, we need to look at Jeff Ferrell’s work about Drift and Vertigo. (Ferrell, 2012) According to Ferrell, Drifters are generally the newer generations, who don’t have a stable position, have part time jobs, don’t have an income as valuable as previous generations and buying a house, having a stable career is not guaranteed even if you finish a college degree. Unemployment and freelancing have become part of a world adrift (Shaffir, Ferrell and Hamm, 1999). The second aspect of Drifters is migration, moving from rural to urban areas, from country to country. Vertigo refers to those who have a stable life, but are surrounded by more and more options, made known to them through media and despite their relative security are more uncertain of their position in society as it is rapidly changing due to globalisation. People who are in vertigo are often scared b